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About ()rang3

  • Birthday 06/06/1987

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    hi-md, md

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  1. Hello out there...it's been a while since I posted, and sadly, I was having asking for help back then too. I really should hang out on these forums more often and stop being a jerk! Here's my problem, and any help is very much appreciated. I've been using an MZ-M200 (I think it's same as the RH1, but just named differently because it came with a mic). I've been using it for something like three years and it's put up with being dropped and exposed to moisture. It's stopped moving as fast to start playing tracks, though after I put a disc in. It also became very sensitive to being touched and moved and would act as though I pressed the eject button, especially if the lid got touched a certain way. I could totally live with that and simply play it at home on a stable surface with headphones, but things got much worse. A few days ago, it stopped being capable of even this. It played for a bit, then took very long to understand there was a disc in. I got a "no disc" message a few times each time I hit the eject, and then it played the first track on the disc. When the first track finished, it took a very long time to start playing the next track. I tried ejecting and replaying, but then it kept spinning and doing this worrying noise and not playing anything. It's been parked in my room for most of the time, so I have no idea why it's suddenly not even able to play discs. It makes a loud buzzing sound when I put a disc in or hit play with a disc in. It goes "buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz....". The sound is a bit like it sounds before it starts playing, but the buzz is much louder and doesn't stop. It just flashes the "Walkman" logo and doesn't stop buzzing and spinning things for several minutes. (I simply eject the disc at this point and close the unit with the battery taken out, haven't let it continue buzzing, it's really loud and disconcerting) I've tried other disks and the same thing happens. I would really hate to buy another, I don't have much money, but if that's the way to go, I just might invest in another unit. I was thinking of going to find a Sony store that does repairs but I have no warranty anymore and don't know how much a repair would actually cost to get done. I might unscrew the unit apart and take a peek, but I wouldn't know what to do. My dad's interested in trying to repair it himself for me but I'm not sure about that route either, though he's far more competent at electronics' insides than I am. I would also hate to buy an MP3 player. I have several minidiscs lying around and I also have never been able to enjoy the sound that comes out of other players. Have you heard audiophile MFSL versions of A Night at the Opera or Layla and Other Assorted Love Songs on MD? It's amazing, and I doubt I can hear the same sort of magic from other portable audio. I know I haven't been a good user, but I would really like to have this little guy functioning again, so any help is, again, much appreciated. And if anyone is interested in hearing those albums in MFSL, I highly reccommend them and if you can't find them in stores or online, pm me and I'll help you out. -Olive
  2. I'll take the tape off from the inside once I'm done recording for now. But later when I record again if I need to do it, I guess I'll have to.
  3. Update! I figured it out! Out of a desperation and trying anything that might work I taped down the second sensor (the spoke) inside the player, and loaded Sonistage. I highlighted some tracks and hit the transfer arrow and IT WORKED! Thanks! You made me look into the two sensors. I am so happy, thanks a MILLION for your help!!
  4. Thanks! You bring me hope! I don't have any other hi-md disks but I do have a few standard mds, recorded as mds alone. (backwards compatible) They also are doing the same thing as the 1GB hi-md disk, the TOC will load and appear in the right order, I can play the disks but nothing can be changed on them. :_( Seems like it's to do with the recorder, and not the disks. Hmm...so should I be taping one hole alone? The one that shows up white when the tab is slid over? Thanks so much!
  5. Me, I use my memory of the order of the groups I made. Still it's a bit fiddly using a jog dial in the dark so I use the light off my phone to find what I can't see. (Or I bookmark when the lights are on )
  6. Hi, I'm new to this place, and I really need some help/ Alright, this has been going on for a few days and is making me crazy. My hi-md (mz-dh710) will not record or delete anymore. Whenever I plug it to a computer everything that should be there shows up only I cannot add or delete. I get a message "the device/media is write protected" I've checked and played with the write protection tab on the disk but that doesn't help. I've tried different disks and that doesn't work either even though the write protection tabs on all of my disks are set to off. I'm still able to play the old songs I've previously burned but I cannot add, check in or delete anything. I thought about tapes and put a sticker over the write protection tab of one disk and it worked! I was able to burn a new song and delete another. But the next day, when I plugged the player in again to the computer this message reappeared: "the device/media is write protected". I was so frustrated I plugged the player into a different computer and used Simple Burner instead, and there appeared no lock over the picture of the disk. Then I shut down Simple Burner, pulled up Sonicstage and was able to move, add and delete more files. Today, neither computer is gaining access to the player, reformatting and initializing the disk is also not allowed, unfortunately. I even tried taking out the battery as the player gets a charge from the computer, but the device is still locked out. Oh the frustration..... Hope that wasn't too much of a rant! ANY help or suggestions is appreciated. I really don't want to pay to replace or repair it, I still need cash for school!
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