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  1. I have an MZ-N10 NetMD not Hi-MD, but because I have version 3.4 of sonicstage I am able to import from CD in MP3 format. But I record all my MDs in SP because my car minidisc player does not have MDLP. I take it the low pass filter is a hardware not a software issue....and so does not affect me. cheers, Andrew
  2. Hi I've been importing my cd's to my PC in mp3 format but I read this quote on wikipedia tonight which says that Sony have crippled mp3? Should I have been importing to my PC in ATRAC3 for best sound quality? Sorry if this is a well known problem, I had a look but couldn't find an answer. cheers, Andrew 'In 2005 Sony presented an update to its Hi-MD devices: native support for the popular MP3 format. Unfortunately, this did not include drag-and-drop capability, but rather required the use of the Sony software to wrap the MP3 files in DRM. A further drawback was that the MP3 playback could be best described as "crippled" — Sony implemented a lowpass on MP3 playback, which could make MP3 sound dull in comparison to ATRAC. Some users say that this was done in hopes of fooling listeners that ATRAC is superior to MP3 to trap their music in ATRAC format. 2005 also saw an update to the SonicStage music transfer software, with version 3.2 allowing users to upload their analogue recordings an unlimited number times.'
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