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    Sony NW-E005F

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  1. I had the same problem as posted earlier in this discussion... "On the 9th Jan, I downloaded the following zip file "NW-E00X_MP3_File_Manager-0.12.zip 246 KB WinZip File". I then unzipped the file but did not recognise any of the files in the zip file ie I was expecting to see a .jar file. Today, I tried another download and downloaded "NW-E00X_MP3_File_Manager-0.12.jar 246 KB Executable Jar File"." Therefore, I suggest you re-try the download as I did.
  2. On the 9th Jan, I downloaded the following zip file "NW-E00X_MP3_File_Manager-0.12.zip 246 KB WinZip File". I then unzipped the file but did not recognise any of the files in the zip file ie I was expecting to see a .jar file. Today, I tried another download and downloaded "NW-E00X_MP3_File_Manager-0.12.jar 246 KB Executable Jar File". This is what I recognise, but what was in the zip file and do I need it?
  3. Thanks for that. Information about the podcast mp3 file says 48kbps. I therefore used the MP3 64kbps setting. The result is much better. Listening through Shure E2G ear phones the voice is clear. However, there seems to be a backround noise. Its hard to describe, but its an electronic noise caused when the voice is talking (perhaps it is distortion). The noise is annoying but not unbearable. After listening to the podcast via Windows Media Player, I think the electronic noise is still there but because I only have cheap speakers it is hard to tell. PS I have never listened to a podcast before and so, I don't know whether I am expecting too much.
  4. I think that because the size said 0 MB then I thought there was no point clicking on the 'Write' button. Neverthless, I tried 2 options: 1) I clicked the Write button and sure enough the file was (presumably) downloaded directly from the site onto the Sony E005 player. It took a bit of finding but when I played the podcast back, it was though the voices were on fast forward. 2) I downloaded the postcast file onto my PC, deleted the file in 1) above and loaded the file via the Local tab. Finally, clicked the Write button. Again, the voices appeared to be on fast forward. If I listen to the podcast by clicking on the 'Play selected titles' button in the File Manager (v0.10) then the podcast plays with the voices at normal speed.
  5. Sorry, I haven't tried a podcast before ... I entered this URl: http://www.radionz.co.nz/podcasts/mediawatch.rss and clicked the + button. Then I clicked the browse button and 2 titles were displayed eg Mediawatch for 1 October (0.0 Mb) (Sun, 01 Oct 2006 09:10:00 +1300). I can click the 'add title to the player' button but I don't understand how I get the files onto the hard drive in order to 'Add/Insert'. What do I do next? By the way I am using Explorer 7
  6. I started from scratch and formatted the player. Installed the s/w into the root directory and then checked the ID3 tags via Mp3-Tag Studio 3 (I'm no expert on the tags buy they seemed to be correct). I then copied the 1 album to the player but still have the same problem when trying to search for a song/album/artist in the Search function. Note: The correct track name is displayed when the player is playing the song.
  7. I have the E005F (latest firmware) and have the same NO DATABASE problem. Firstly I formatted the Sony Player using the advanced settings and then went in SonicStage but did nothing. I then copied the tracks of 1 album onto the player. I hit the NO DATABASE message and tried to re-copy the files. The software knew the tracks were on the player because it appeared that nothing was transferred. I have tried using the OMGAUDIO folder from the web site. This works OK but I get song titles such as Ghost Busters when I perform a search in the Sony player. I don't know how to remove the unwanted song titles. Hence my thread.
  8. Very new to MP3 players and have a NW-E005F. I have been using SonicStage 4 but came across VoidMP3FM which I downloaded last night. (20 September 2006) As per some of the previous comments I also get messages of Unknown and NO ITEM when viewing Songs and Albums. My question is, has the issue (NO ITEM/Unknown) been fixed or is it outstanding. If fixed, then am I doing something wrong. I have all my Computer folders named as: ARTIST - ALBUM and simply dragged each folder onto the MP3 player. Everything seems to work OK so far.
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