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Everything posted by kestrel

  1. I don`t think it will be total canceled. A 2/3 part of world show-business using minidiscs. I don`t think that Sony will dump all of them. I think that production line will be simply moved from Sony Customer to Sony Professional. Blank disks will be produced but in not so much quantity and it will cost more expencive...
  2. The best sound ever I heard on minidisc portables was on my ex. MZ-R900. If you no need NetMD and want to use the unit only for listening - MZ-R900 is your choice. I have compared a lot of units with the playback of the same minidisc and the same track recorded via optical in SP (true SP). So it means that i compared the difference of the influence of electronics on these devices. I must note that R900 sounds better than my Hi-MD RH910 on the same track. The best sound on the non-MDLP units was at MZ-R70. I must note that i haven`t listened all the minidisc portables, so may be I`m wrong. But i have listened a lot of them.
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