Hi, you can find the way to the service mode in: RH1 Volume Hack But take care, not to change any settings! You do it on your own risk. The above describtion is the way to change the area code for the limited NF-volume of the European models. When you are in the service mode (with point 1, two parts, left and rigt) are blinking. The actual firmware you will find at the left blinking field. I don´t know if it makes differences. I think not.... One of the point is to identify how ´new´ the equipment is. Sometime you can indetify out of the serial number the producing month and year and sometimes even the day. But mostly the serials number are encrypted :-( As I know you can not change the firmware at the RH1. At some electronic eqquipment firmwares are updatable either by yourself or by a service point. --- www.dg8fbv.de