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Everything posted by gully

  1. gully

    FS:Sony MZ-R55

    email me at gulliverfoyle2@yahoo.com
  2. Doctor MD: Why don't you email me at gulliverfoyle2@yahoo.com which is not my paypal email address? Thanks
  3. I think we have a deal here. Could you let me know if that offer is for just the md?
  4. This is so much fun. Anybody need an old Sony MZ-R55. I forgot I I had it. It must have been tossed in on a previous Ebay purchase. It plays, will soon try to record on it. I have no ac adapter and won't know on the battery until I finish charging it in a different md. It does come with the battery extender, which takes two AA batteries. This can't be worth much so somebody give it a good home.
  5. I do have a Paypal account, and, while it is much more buying than selling, have a Ebay %100 as oldgal3. I would accept something just under $160 for the md itself. I would discuss the md and the microphone separately or as a package. I would also just charge a reasonable shipping, not like some you see at $15 to $20. I guess I'm willing to ship for free if someone were to buy both. Thinking about it, I'm not sure I have original packaging. It might have come wrapped in plastic. I better go look for manual. Thanks for the interest shown.
  6. I bought this over a year ago(Minidisco sale). It is virtually unused. I did record a few hours on one non hi-md minidisc, just to use it, and haven't used it since. I also have available a set of Sound Professional SP-TFB-2 in-ear binaural microphones, purchased used, never used by me, list price $69 from Sound Professionals. Here's the deal: I'd like to sell these and could throw in 20 to 30 original style used minidiscs, but I don't really need to sell them. I clearly never got into hi-md, but this machine could serve me well if and when my multiple Sharp mds ever die. It's just that I hate to see it sitting around not being used. Sony MZ-NH 700 comes with ac adapter, Sony rechargeable AA battery, and a Sony case. I think I have the manual ,but haven't seen it recently. Please don't make me an insulting offer, but this could be a great deal for someone wanting to get into recording of live music in the highest quality.
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