Well I'm glad I found such a useful community forum. I only wish I found it sooner! I recently purchased an MZ-N10 which is a pretty slick unit but in my late research I discovered it's great for recording but not for uploading (non-existent). I would like to make good quality recordings of interviews, ambient sounds, anything I find interesting... but mostly interviews to form a sort of oral history of my family members. The recorder works well. I just need to get s decent microphone. The power doesn't seem to last very long but I'm still pretty new to using it. I really want something I can upload with so I'm probably going to bite the bullet and purchase the RH1. Is it worth it to keep the N10 at this point? I guess it's a good player too since I don't own an Ipod. So should I keep it and get the RH1 or sell it and still get the RH1? What is a good selling price. I know I'll take it at a loss Thanks slomd Oh and I did some research and found a program called win md.. Looks like this might be a way to fix the upload issue but at a cost of sound quality. Does anyone have experience with this program?