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I'm going to buy MZ-NH900 :smile: and I've got some doubts about the quality of analogical conections from/to external amplifier unsure.gif .

1. For playing the minidisc connected to amplifiers and speakers, There is really an audible difference between different qualities in wires and connections (free of oxygen, etc.)?. Any recommendation?

2. For recording from tape/tuner/TV. Same doubts and questions.


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Respuesta no Experta: en caso que no obtengas las repuestas que buscas, ve y compra los cables libres de oxigeno y con recubrimiento de oro. Siempre es mejor comprar lo mejor  :wink:

Let me help you with this a little bit. I will make the translation, because, as usual, there's always somebody who has to say anything about the language.

"Non-professional (non-expert) reply : In case that you don't get the desired results you are looking for, go and buy the cables with oxygen-free and gold plated connectors. It's always better to buy the best."

It's my personal translation, I used No professional translators or the Internet. Just trying to help.

Greetings from Chicago.

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If I was being waspish, I'd say that no there's no difference given the quality of the sound that the NH900 puts out in Line Out mode :rasp:

Being instructive however, I think quality cables help in practical terms... consistency of construction, etc... although there's no need to go overboard. IXOS and Profigold make consistent cables at affordable prices.

Profigold Spain distributor

Bandridge Spain

Espai Electronics S.L.

C/de les Moreres, 53

08820-El Prat de Llobregat



T 0034 934 785 299

E espai@cconline.es

IXOS Spain distributor

Esmaes S.A.

Fabricas 31

28925 Alcorcón



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