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Track Names, Group Names and File Names

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I recorded a lot of music from a music festival I was at onto my MZ-NH900. I used a different group for each performance I went to and a different track for each piece that was played within the performance. I named each group on the minidisk but left the tracks untitled.

I uploaded each group, 1 at a time, into SonicStage thru the USB port, keeping each group as a separate album which I named the same as the group name on the minidisk. After they were uploaded, I changed the names of each track in SonicStage from Untitled to a real name.

The result of all this is that all the tracks are in the Program Files/Sony/Packages/HI-MD folder with names in the form "untitlednnn", where "nnnn" is a number that starts at 1 and gets incremented by 1 for each track I uploaded.

If I'm in SonicStage, none of this really matters, but I'm using Himdrenderer to convert some of these tracks to wav format and trying to find the ones I want to convert in this situation is a real pain!

Ideally, Each group/album should be in a separate folder and each file within the group/album should be named as I titled it in SonicStage. This is what happened when I imported a CD from my CD-ROM drive (although the title data was obtained through CDDB, not by me typing it in).

Probably too late to do anything about it now, but is there a different sequence of opertaion that would have resulted in a more tidy organization of these files? Better yet, is there anything I can do in SOnicStage now to make it more easy to recognize which of these files is which?



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I don't think he named the files on the MD before transferring in, hence why they all have the untitlednnn names. You may have to name the files on the MD before transferring in to avoid this again.

Something that would be cool, but I wonder if the capability even exists within SS, is to have subgroups of albums. I think it was something that was available in 1.5 (vaguely recall this)... but then again, they had a concept of "groups" back then as well, under which albums were contained. I think the framework may still be there, but isn't apparent. It would be cool, though. Have a group of "electronica" albums... sort of a smart filter, I guess.

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On the last page in the SS options is a setting for "allow SS to rename files according to library info" or something similar to that.

Ready for this? If you check that box, then go to each file, hit F2 (rename), add a letter to the track name, hit enter, hit F2 again, delete that letter, hit enter, and you've got a file with the name you've selected.

If you name the tracks on your HiMD before uploading, SS will name the files on you computer accordingly regardless of the rename option I mentioned above.

SS has an oddity in its file rename option, too: sometimes, for no reason whatsoever, it will add "00-" (and these numbers increment somehow, I also have "03-" files) to the beginning of the filename.

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Thanks to the posters. I started making a handwritten list compiled from the Properties of each track, then saw the post about the option in SS to rename files along with the tracks. Fortunately, I have only named about a dozen of the 150 or so tracks I imported so the double rename thing won;t be too much hassle!

Oh yes, and the two tracks I've renamed so far bith got that "00-" prefix.

I'm also a little curious about the post that said that if I had named the tracks on the minidisk before importing them, they would have retained their names. I haven't actually tried that, but I did title all the groups on the minidisk and none of them retained their names - I was asked to either add the tracks to an existing album or create a new album which I had to supply a name for.



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