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HELP! Recording error's with N10!

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I seem to be having some problem's with my N10!

I have recorded some album's via the optical input, which has gone fine.

However on playback on one of these album's (nelly Furtado: Folklore) there seem's to be some recording error's!!! I have re-recorded it on another new and different brand minidisc blank but there are still error's :ohmy:

The error's are completely at random and are small "jumps" of about 1/4 second long! I tried playing the recording back on my trusty R90 and they are still there.

As i say it is only with this one album, Could it be copy protection? I no it's not a problem with the CD as it play's fine and the error's are in different places on the two recording's made. These "micro jumps" are few and far between with only 2 of them in the last recording over the whole album.

You may think im being paranoid but i've been using MD since 97 and have NEVER had a recording error on any of my disc's!!! So is my N10 buggered?

Thanks and sorry for the long post! rolleyes.gif

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