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Is the E10 really THAT bad?

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I've just got myself an E10 off of ebay (£90 Brand new in box) and was wondering whether they are as bad as people make out? unsure.gif

It will be replacing my trusty old R90 for portable playback, will it sound better than that?

Also, i thought it would share some of it's internals with the N10, which i thought sounded great?!


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The E10 sounds almost identical to the N10.

So, if you were happy with the N10, you should be happy with the E10. Although personally, if I were you, I would get a Sharp, either DS8 or DS70 or one of the Auvi players. They aren't as small as the E10, but they don't sound like mud.

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It must be my old ears (im 24!) but i thought the N10 sounded ok!

Yeah, i was thinking about the Sharp's but here in the UK MiniDisc has dwindled in the last couple of years so all you can get are Sony and only a couple of Sharp models. :sad:

The Sharp's we do have are horrible and plastic! It's only when i looked at Minidisco and AudioCubes that i realised there is load's of new MiniDisc equipment being produced! It's the same with the disc's, the only one's over here are TDK, Sharp and Sony and there all the same ones that have been on sale for year's! No flashy one's etc just the same boring design!

God i hate this country :ohmy:

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I had an E10 and it sounded pretty decent to me. The sound did need to be tweaked somewhat with the equaliser, but having done so it sounded fine.

The only thing I didn't like about it was the non replaceable (or not easily replaceable) Li-Ion battery - and it could have done with a line out mode for amping. The battery should last you several years in any case. For portable playback it should be fine (IMO), and it's not Euro-crippled (unlike the N10)...

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Well, most recent Sony MD units for sale in Europe have had their output levels physically restricted to around 3mW per channel @16 Ohms (the standard for Sonys has been 5mW per channel for some time). This has been to comply with an EU regulation to protect the poor consumer's hearing - hence EU crippled.

The Euro N10 was limited to 2.5mW/channel, I believe.

Units sold outside the EU are exempt from such crippling - although many complain that even 5mW per channel is low. My E10 was also not Euro crippled (according to the manual) - but maybe I was lucky - so check the output spec in the back of your manual...

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watcher666, America's even worse about MD equipment than the UK. The only models on sale here are the Sony plasticized ones. Rarely, you might stumble across something semi-decent... I saw an NH1 at the high-end audio store hereabouts.

I would have had to order my DS8 from Audiocubes if Chris hadn't have told me about a guy on T-board that was selling his for $125. Of course I snapped it up rather quickly. It was spotless, not a scratch on it from the moment I got it, and of course it's still in lovely shape. (Good finish, these things have on them.)

No matter what I did I was unable to make my N10 sound anywhere as good as my DS8. My R30 sounded better than my N10 did. (I really wish my brother didn't have the R30 either, I'd use it in the car.)

If you want the good MD stuff, you're going to have to look at importing from Japan, because that's the only place it's really big. Or, go old-school. I've heard many people sing the merits of the R50, and the R900 was not a bad unit at all.

I suggest hitting eBay for a Sharp though. Keep an eye out for the Auvi units; even though, say, the DR420, isn't the prettiest in the world (it's actually quite repulsive, lol) it sounds just as good as the others that do look sexy. :grin:

Edit: Oh, forget cute MD blanks here in the US. Sony 80min Color Collection 5-packs is about all you can find.

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Thank's aeriyn!

I'll have to give the Sharp unit's a go then. :cool:

It's a great shame though that MD is not popular in the UK or US. :sad:

I have been using it for year's and still think it is unbeatable for it's quality, flexability and price!

Long live the MiniDisc!!! :grin:


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