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A few questions

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Hi everyone. Ok, this might get a RTFM response, but I have read them... thus I post a thread.

First of all, I haven't bought a MD yet... I am looking for info. I need to know if I buy a High MD will it do the same thing, more or less as Net MD?

What are the specific differences? I ask because I didnt see a comparison anywhere so far.

Also, I am looking to not only record some live concerts, but also just play a good selection of my music that I have on my pc as I go whereever I go.

I have see plenty of info in the past but never bought anything as I haven't had quality information from a forum setting, so I figured I would join.

Thanks for your anticipated help... and be gentle in responding as I am ever so fragile and viriginal

:grin: :laugh: :grin: :laugh:

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Moving to correct forum. Next time, try to post in the proper place, kthnx.  :happy:

Is this not the " Find Your Minidisc" place? That is what I am seeking... to find "my minidisc" I havent bought one yet... so I am looking to find "my " Minidisc. Ugh!!!

And, the response of FAQ is pointless as that was the first thing I said ... read my first sentence or shall I quote?

I will... "Hi everyone. Ok, this might get a RTFM response, but I have read them... thus I post a thread." RTFM='Read The FAQ's Man' I am not so much a noob to forums... just this forum... and have scoured the faq's and have found nothing to support my questions.

Lastly, directing me back to the main page of the forum and saying "FAQ" surely isnt going to help someone new to forums completely... so I digress and repeat my original post... can someone be extra sensitive and answer my original questions on a more positive note?

Thanks so much.

Cheers!!! :grin:

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Fair enough n00b, I can understand how this can be a little overwhelming, but in the grand scheme of things this is all actually for simpletons. Don't let it get to you!

Anyway, Dex/Cori were pointing to the vast wealth of information available at the parent site, minidisc.org. There is plenty of information about NetMD and Hi-MD and alot more. I will assist with this topic nonetheless by asking you first, what is your maximum budget?

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Is this not the " Find Your Minidisc" place? That is what I am seeking... to find "my minidisc" I havent bought one yet... so I am looking to find "my " Minidisc. Ugh!!!

It's in the "Find Your Minidisc" subforum now because I moved it. :rasp: It was in the Hi-MD forum.

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It's in the "Find Your Minidisc" subforum now because I moved it. :rasp: It was in the Hi-MD forum.

Fair enough aeriyn.... didnt realize that. smile.gif

And by the way.... thanks for pointing out the difference between forums.minidisc.org and minidisc.com My bad in not looking a little closer. I thought they were identical.

Now, kurisu... thanks for your time... I have unlimited cash!!!!! Not really.... but I know minidisc and acessories can be costly... but I really do want the best bang for my buck. I was planning on spending about $300.00 US but... I dont want it to die within a year or two, or have it not do certain things that I would want it to do. I dont really know about all the bells and whistles, but like I pointed out, I mainly want it for recording live performances, using a good quality external mic... which is necessary from what I am told ... to acheive the best sound. I do also want it for playing my own personal collection on the go.... in my car and etc.

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MD units don't die in a short period of time if taken care of properly, and even with some slight abuse they'll last more than a few years.

I say go with a NH900 from datavis.com [only like $239], then put the rest towards a mic. There's a ton of recommendations in the Live Recording forum that will help you with your mic choice, and you can always check out reactivesounds.com [banner should be at the top of the forums].

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I say go with a NH900 from datavis.com [only like $239], then put the rest towards a mic. There's a ton of recommendations in the Live Recording forum that will help you with your mic choice, and you can always check out reactivesounds.com [banner should be at the top of the forums].

Thanks for the info. on the NH 900. Looks like a very nice unit.

Now, I am still trying to figure out the differences between HI-MD and Net-MD. So far I really havent seen and comparisons... only descriptions on minidisc.org about the individual functions that each have.

From what I see, Net MD uses faster technology to download/upload to/from a pc using USB, than some other unit... and I am not sure what that other unit is. If it is in fact an older model of MD or the HI-MD. I just need the differences laid out. I do however see that HI-MD will allow for a 1GB storage capacity whereas the older models only allow for 160 MB of storage.

I have copied the FAQ below to make sure I am understanding this correctly in saying that this question was posted before HI-MD came on the market. If I am missing anything or anyone can point me in the right direction to clear up some of my confusion, I would appreciate it. Thanks so much for all the help :grin: :grin: :grin:

What is the storage capacity of MDs, CDs, DATs, DCCs?

MD: ~160MB for 74 min. in audio mode [140MB in Data Mode]


CD Audio: 740MB


DCC: 175MB [60 min. tape]

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Oi, NetMD is basically legacy MDLP with (very limited) USB transfer support. It's the same as normal MD; those fast transfer speeds are based on real-time transfers. E.g., the MZ-N10 will transfer LP2 tracks at 32x realtime... so an hour of music would theoretically take two minutes to copy (minus all the TOC edits).

Hi-MD is sort of like an upgrade to NetMD; basically the same thing, using an improved (debatable) codec and a larger media size. There's support for transferring your recordings made live from the Hi-MD unit to the PC, but at the moment UselessStage likes to randomly destroy tracks to be uploaded to the PC. There are workarounds, however; search the forum for methods to get around Sony's software ineptitude.

As for storage capacity... standard 80min MDs hold ~160mb. Standard MDs formatted to Hi-MD mode hold 305mb, and Hi-MD discs hold very close to 1gb.

CD-R/RW holds, as you should know, 700mb (80mins of linear PCM audio). :rasp:

AFAIK, DAT and DCC I believe are not denoted in byte storage, but in runtime, and I think DATs are 90mins each, while there might be shorter and longer ones. DCC I have no clue.

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So what happened to the other 15mb mentioned on the Hi-MD blurb on minidisc.org?

standard of 1 Million of something

1 x 1000 x 1000 = 1,000,000

so 305 MB literally means

305 x 1000 x 1000 = 305,000,000

but computer deals in Binary, and 1 KB = 1024, thus

1MB in Binary = 1 x 1024 x 1024 = 1,048,576


305,000,000 / 1,048,576 = 290+

305 - 290 = 15

thought you knew this, Cori... :rasp:

that's why 1 dvd has 4.7GB of capacity, but it can only store about 4.44GB of data.

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Thanks everyone for all the help and the distinction between Net MD and HI MD... I think on minidisc.org there should be a comparison made between these so people who dont know about this can easily find out the answers.

One last question... this is regarding the quote below:

Hi-MD is sort of like an upgrade to NetMD; basically the same thing, using an improved (debatable) codec and a larger media size. There's support for transferring your recordings made live from the Hi-MD unit to the PC, but at the moment UselessStage likes to randomly destroy tracks to be uploaded to the PC. There are workarounds, however; search the forum for methods to get around Sony's software ineptitude.

Just to clarify: You are saying that I can record a live concert and then try and transfer it to my pc, and basically, because Sony is cheesy, that it can "randomly destroy tracks"? Does it just not include them in the transfer or actually remove or corrupt them on the MD unit itself? That would surely suck... especially if I paid a good chunk of cash for a unit that is supposedly designed with a great deal of integrity.

I will check the "workarounds" on the forum... so if I do make this purchase, then I wont be stuck with this problem.

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There are several threads in the HiMD forum regarding SS's trashing of tracks, with at least on in the HiMD info/FAQ subforum as well. Please take a look there.

Also note at the top of the page where it says, "Search". Clicking it takes you to this page where you can do this amazing thing: type in a search string, such as "sonicstage trash" and have it find all the threads with those words in it. You might like to try it some time.

Sarcasm aside, since there are several threads in the HiMD forum that mention SS's trashing of tracks, searching in that forum alone is a good way to find them - especially since most of them have slipped off the first page and will be a pain to find. I happen to know that almost every one of them uses the term "trash" though, which is fairly unique on here from what I've seen - making the search pretty specific, and what you're looking for easier to find.

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There are several threads in the HiMD forum regarding SS's trashing of tracks, with at least on in the HiMD info/FAQ subforum as well.  Please take a look there.

Also note at the top of the page where it says, "Search".  Clicking it takes you to this page where you can do this amazing thing: type in a search string, such as "sonicstage trash" and have it find all the threads with those words in it.  You might like to try it some time.

Sarcasm aside, since there are several threads in the HiMD forum that mention SS's trashing of tracks, searching in that forum alone is a good way to find them - especially since most of them have slipped off the first page and will be a pain to find.  I happen to know that almost every one of them uses the term "trash" though, which is fairly unique on here from what I've seen - making the search pretty specific, and what you're looking for easier to find.

Not sure if you are replying to what you thought I just asked or something someone else said.

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