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A NH600D over an iPod?

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Chris, don't even get me started. Sony optical drives are the worst you can get - they look good but function poorly. When I was getting one for this comp I was adviced against getting the Sony. TSST (Toshiba-Samsung) and Lite-On drives have way less compatibility problems and scratch tolerance. A similar opinion is held by CD/DVD ripping experts. A PC enthusiast like you should know that, omg. SE T610 is a well featured phone but is extremely buggy. No one here in Malaysia recommends it and it has the resale value of an 8310. I'll tell you what Sony produces well - televisions. Trinitrons and Wegas are their only products which I can't fault. VAIOs are way over priced for their features and offer nothing exceptional.

Michael, forget it. Your opinions are all based on self-beliefs and myths. All that you've said so far shows that you can't even do some simple research ala Google before making blatant statements, hence I figure you're not really worth my time debating with. I'd rather debate with someone who has an idea of what he's talking about. mellow.gif

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Recorded File Specs (iPod Specified)

8kHz, 16 bit mono WAV files

Wdf? That's definately a lot more than 8Kbps.

And yes Chris, I suppose baseless statements like these

Yes, but iPod cannot record, act as a USB drive.

Ipods are made by some random company in Taiwan/China. Top end Sony is made in Japan by Sony themselves.

sound more convincing and trusting? You gotta be kidding. If you think I'm biased, feel free to give Michael my mod post. All I see are zealots who refuse to accept truths and facts. MD is the last of my concerns and I've contributed enough to the community. Gimme a break, this place is turning into noobfest and I've got better things to do than this. It's your money, buy Hi-MD if you want, but be fair when making comparisons. GL HF, noobs.

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I respect your rights to use this forum for public discourse, but personal insults will not be tolerated, FROM ANYONE. Please take a breath, calm down, enjoy listening to an MD, or a playlist, or whatever then come back and play nicely.

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I never said it was for recording music, I clearly mentioned that it was speech. And I wasn't the one who mentioned 8Kbps. You did, so please don't turn words against me. rolleyes.gif

OK thx bai, this thread is nothing but wear and tear on my keyboard. Cori, Jaron and Nismo, have fun guys.

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