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Some n00b Questions

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Hi, I'm new to MD

I hope you guys will help a n00b blink.gif

I would like to buy a HiMD Recorder,

so it is possible to connect a HiMD Rec via USB. Is this like the NetMD feature? Is it possible to "copy" mp3 files to the MD?

Is it also possible to Record the old MD Format, because I have a MD CarReciever(?) (I have a MD compatible Radio in my car :grin: ) so I would like to Record "old" MDs too. Is that possible?

And a small thing, when you transfer mp3 files on MD, do I have to name the files by myself or does this job the software .

sry for my english.. just not my day wink.gif

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Hi and welcome! :grin:

To answer your questions: Yes it is possible to connect your Hi-MD unit to your PC using a USB Cord (it is, in fact the main method of using Hi-MD). Yes, you can copy MP3 files to your Hi-MD but they need to be converted to ATRAC first. Hi-MD is fully compatable with standard MiniDisc's! all Hi-MD models will play and record on standard MD's in SP, LP2 and LP4 modes. When converting an MP3, then track names etc should remain intact! :smile:

Hope this helps!

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