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Buying New MD - Questions Needing Answers

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Hi all,

I am going to be purchasing a new Hi-MD (referred to as MD from here forth) for christmas, but I have some questions.

The biggest factor in a player I am looking for is a decent remote, and preferably WITH A BACKLIGHT.

Right now, I am considering the MZ-N700 and MZ-N800

I have heard the 700 and 800 are the same, save the tuner remote on the 800. The tuner is not a necessity, but from the pictures I am going by (futureshop.ca), the 700 looks a bit fatter and wider from the 800. However, the written dimensions are the same, so are they the same size after all?

I know the remotes that come with the 700 and 800 are not backlit...are there any compatible and good-quality BACKLIT remotes that I could buy for my minidisc? Where could I get a hold of one of these remotes for a decent price, and located within (preferably) Canada or in North Amercia?

With my situation, would I be better off just buying a cheaper unit, and buy the remote seperately, or would it be better to buy the 700 or 800 and sell off the remote, and buy a new remote? Anyone willing to trade remotes, and I'll add a bit of cash for your higher end remote??

Also, would you guys consider the 700 or the 800 MD model a better value? Any performance differences?

Thanks in advance. Your help is much appreciated.


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Hey I also live in Canada and will be recieving a HiMD this christmas. Actually the 700. I'm not 100% if Canada even has the 800 or at least the futureshop i went to did not carry it.

Many remotes that worked with older MD units are compatible with the HiMD as well and beyond the one for the 900 im not sure if any other HiMD models' remotes have backlights. So you're probably better off getting an older one but dont quote me on this talk to other people on the forum, they know better.

They are the same unit, as you pointed out, so no differences and its not fat at all as Ive held it in my hands, seems smaller actully then my old MDLP MZ-N505 but that could just be me. All the HiMD's will perform the same as they have the same inner components.

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The 700 and 800 are the same model - the 800 IS available in Canada (I have one) and has a slightly blue-tint, where the 700 is just silver. Other than that, it's just the remote (which, as you know, is not backlit -- it's quite a uselessly set-up remote actually...)

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