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Please, help me choose a model

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I am looking for a HiMD with the following criteria:

1. FM Radio

2. Hot pluggable. I want to use it as a USB-flash memory without installing any drivers. In other words, since I plug it in a USB, use it as another hard disk device from Windows explorer. And what about Linux?

3. Long battery operation (for me this means about 24h music).

1, 2 are a must. 3 is an option.

Any suggestions?

Thanx anyway,

captain :wink:

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on XP #2 would be covered there nis.

it'd show up as a removable drive same as MS, ipods, thumb drives &c.

as far as linux goes, as long as the distro copes with plugnplay usb devices i assume the nh800 would work also.

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