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How Do You Create Playlists?

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I don't really have a problem with SS, except for making playlists. I like making random mixes from my library and loading them onto my 900.

I find this process a little long using real or Musicmatch.

My question....Is there a program that lets you use .oma files. I know wmp does, but you cannot use the tags. I would like to get burn all my mp3 files(5000) to cd's and only keep the .oma's. so I only have to keep track of 1 library.

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I don't really have a problem with SS, except for making playlists.  I like making random mixes from my library and loading them onto my 900.

I find this process a little long using real or Musicmatch.

My question....Is there a program that lets you use .oma files. I know wmp does, but you cannot use the tags.  I would like to get burn all my mp3 files(5000) to cd's and only keep the .oma's. so I only have to keep track of 1 library.

Yes, there is a program. It's called SonicStage.

It's playlisting abilities are more or less full-featured, though access to it sucks and is highly unintuitive compared to any other music library app in existence.

If you try using help in SS [which I can't get to at the moment due to a transfer from the HiMD to my computer being in progress] you should be able to find details in there on how to make compilations. Yes - NOT playlists, but compilations. Once you get started with it, it's relatively simple - it just takes more manoeuvring than it does with most other programs.

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Thanks for the response, but, I do know how to make "compilations" with SS.

I just like to have a random "autoplaylist" that remixes itself, so I will be "surprised" at the music.

Yes, there is a program.  It's called SonicStage.

It's playlisting abilities are more or less full-featured, though access to it sucks and is highly unintuitive compared to any other music library app in existence.

If you try using help in SS [which I can't get to at the moment due to a transfer from the HiMD to my computer being in progress] you should be able to find details in there on how to make compilations.  Yes - NOT playlists, but compilations.  Once you get started with it, it's relatively simple - it just takes more manoeuvring than it does with most other programs.

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Currently, Sonic Stage 2.X does not do this (which is weird, since Sonic Stage 1.5 did have this function), so you're out of luck with .OMA (Atrac3plus and Atrac) files.

There are workarounds, however. For this project, you'll need copious MP3s properly tagged, Windows Media Player 10 (or other smart playlist generator), and some patience.

1. Open WMP10 or your other program, let it scan through your MP3 library.

2. Click on LIBRARY tab. Then right-click on Auto Playlist and Click New...

3. In the NEW AUTO PLAYLIST dialog box:

On the first green plus icon, click that, click on more, scroll down and select "randomize...", OK

4. And, in the "And apply the following restrictions...", click on the green plus icon, and select: Limit Total Duration and set time limit there, or Limit Total Size and select your size. Don't make this too long either way, Sonic Stage as a bad habit of futzing the transcoding process, especially with 320kbps MP3, VBRs, or a long playlist. Let WMP generate your playlist.

5. On the third pane, look for "Now Playing List..." towards the top. Click that, then click on Save Playlist as... Save the random playlist as M3U playlist so SonicStage can import them.

6. Close WMP10, open SonicStage

7. Import your newly created playlist by selectinc Import... M3U file.

8. Once imported, you can then transfer the files.


9. Once everything is finished, you can now delete the imported playlist. Delete the album in SonicStage, and remove the files from the library, but don't check the other two options, if you want your MP3s still on your Hard Disc after you're finished with them. Click OK.

10. Open where your SonicStage stores your .OMA file. Mine is D:\OpenMG\ In that directory, there should be another directory called Optimized Files (D:\OpenMG\Optimized Files\). Those files now may be trashed without any worries.

11. Lather, Rinse Repeat.

Steps 1-5 maybe used with other programs that can generate M3U playlists, but I don't believe iTunes have this ability.

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