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Clamp Filter On Remote Lead

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I've just got the MZ-NH1 (Started with MZ-R3, moved to JB930 + MZ-E10, still own all). So far, I'm very impressed and now have more options for digitizing my vinyl!

Anyway, my point: I had three spare clamp filters in the box, one of which is supposed to go on the remote lead. I've read what I can find on here concerning the clamp filters, and know what they are for, but my question is specifically to do with the one meant for the remote lead. I tried fitting it but it pinches the cable a bit too much for my liking. Odd that it wasn't already fitted, seeing as the power and USB ones were. The larger spare filter is way too large for that lead.

Has anyone, who has opted not to fit this particular filter, had any ill effects as a result?

Thanks in advance,


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In fact you are very lucky that your filter didn't come fitted to the remote cable.

In my nh700 it was fitted... one day, i tried to remove it. After doing that the first thing that i've noticed was that the filter was forcing the cable so much, that the remote cable was kind of ... "compressed" in many parts. After not being to much happy with this, i become even more happier when i noticed that infact the cable was cut INSIDE. With the unit playing i could hear the custs in the sound of my right headphone as i moved the cable in the area where the filter was... mad.gif

So, the best solution was to force the cable again. wacko.gif I've managed to put the clamp filter in the same position, and didn't had any troubles so far... unsure.gif

So, i was kind of pissed of with this thing. But hey! this is great! i like being like this! biggrin.gifdry.gifsleep.gifhuh.gifblink.gifohmy.gifmellow.gifunsure.gifwink.gif

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... the filter was forcing the cable so much, that the remote cable was kind of ... "compressed" in many parts...

That's exactly the reason I don't want to fit one. None of my others (MD units nor D-NE900 CD) have a filter on the remote lead, yet they're not that dissimilar. The leaflet in the box of the NH1 clearly states that one of the small filters is for the remote lead, in order to comply with regulations, and yet it doesn't actually come fitted. I'd have thought that, if it were absolutely necessary, then it would come fitted with all units.

I'm going to leave mine off, then. Thanks to those who replied.



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