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New To Hi-md...have Some Questions

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hello all!

I just 'purchased' a Sony MZ-NH600D from ubid.com...$90 shipped to my house.

what a steal.

anyway, with the 1 GB MD, I'm planning on ripping my CD's at Hi-LP since carrying around a CD player and a huge CD case is too much trouble.

the data storage capability is pretty nice too...slow, but nice.

I don't plan on ripping MP3's onto MD, since that would involve compressing something that's already compressed...

quick questions:

-will any Sony inline remote work with my MZ-NH600D?

-what options do I have for minidisc player storage? I don't really work out, so I don't need the armband-type holder.

-is there any linux software that will allow me to transfer CD's onto Hi-MD?

thanks very mucho. I hope to participate in this forum now, considering the fact that I've been lurking around for a while...

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Remotes: to my knowledge, the non-tuner remotes should work across the line of HiMD players. If there's a specific remote you want to know about, please say so - those with more experience trying these things out [i don't have the means to do so] will probably be able to answer your question. Incidentally, the RM-MC40ELK remote seems most popular as a replacement for the ones included with North American and European models. [This is the remote that comes with the NH1]

Storage: Hmm. I usually just stick the unit in one of my pockets, though I have also put it in my backpack or worn a hip-pocket thingy just for carrying it. Honestly, the players are small enough that even the fatter AA-battery using ones can easily slip into a pants pocket and barely be noticeable. They don't skip while you're walking, either, though constant jarring will wear batteries out faster and likely shorten the life of the player as a whole.

linux: Simply put, no.

And welcome to the fora.

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Hey everyone, i just found this site while trying to search the net for an alternative to sony's stupid sonic stage piece of crap restrictive sofware, and i'm glad i did. Just wanted to say thanks for already giving me some ideas and info that i either hadn't thought of yet or hadn't been game to test out yet.

i use my Hi-md primarily for recording bands, and all i want to do is reliably transfer the md recordings digitally to CD, but while keeping the original MD disc (master) untouched and available for future transfers. My understanding so far tells me that SS will not let me, meaning it will re-write the master disc with a copy protection once the track has been transferred. Has anyone found a way around this? I really couldn't be bothered backing up my masters, i just want to wait until a transfer option is made possible where the MD used is write protected. Will this / can this happen?

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i use my Hi-md primarily for recording bands, and all i want to do is reliably transfer the md recordings digitally to CD, but while keeping the original MD disc (master) untouched and available for future transfers.  My understanding so far tells me that SS will not let me, meaning it will re-write the master disc with a copy protection once the track has been transferred.  Has anyone found a way around this?  I really couldn't be bothered backing up my masters, i just want to wait until a transfer option is made possible where the MD used is write protected.  Will this / can this happen?

The only real answer to your question is that you can't upload from MD, period.

You can transfer digitally from MD using a home or professional deck with optical out, but there is no way to transfer from MD to your computer via USB. Despite the fact that it should technically be possible [and quite simple, really] Sony have decided simply not to support this as an option for their customers.

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Remotes: to my knowledge, the non-tuner remotes should work across the line of HiMD players.  If there's a specific remote you want to know about, please say so - those with more experience trying these things out [i don't have the means to do so] will probably be able to answer your question.  Incidentally, the RM-MC40ELK remote seems most popular as a replacement for the ones included with North American and European models.  [This is the remote that comes with the NH1]

Storage:  Hmm.  I usually just stick the unit in one of my pockets, though I have also put it in my backpack or worn a hip-pocket thingy just for carrying it.  Honestly, the players are small enough that even the fatter AA-battery using ones can easily slip into a pants pocket and barely be noticeable.  They don't skip while you're walking, either, though constant jarring will wear batteries out faster and likely shorten the life of the player as a whole.

linux: Simply put, no.

And welcome to the fora.

thanks for the reply. I don't really have any idea of what remote to use...but I definitely see the convenience of the remote. I don't think I'll splurge for the RM-MC40ELK...though the three backlit lines are nice.

I've got butterfingers, so I'll drop the MD player unless I put it in a case...I guess I'll look around for something suitable.

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