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Open Mg/there Is Invalid Right Mgmt...

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I have my library on real player. The index so to speak is stored on real player but the song tracks are actually dispersed into a number of locations on my hard drive. When one opens real player, the database gets reconstituted so you can see these diparate files on real player.

Many of these tracks did import into the sonic stage better than I had dared to hope ( the track name was intact but I had to add the artist). The remaining files that didn't import from real player appear to be in a folder labelled "open mg". When I try to import these into sonic stage the song file is empty upon arrival in sonic stage (i e no song, no title, no artist).

How do I get these files to import properly?

When i open the open mg file folder and sonic stage and click on the song I get the following message: "there is invalid rights managemnt info in the open MG content"

Dop I need to convert these files? If so, how do I do this?

Edited by lyceemoliere
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