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dex Otaku

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There was a need for these, so please do read this before posting support requests.

The first suggestions usually given for software problems are these:

* Update your operating system. Unless you have a very good reason not to [no net connection, known software incompatibility], apply those service packs.

* Update your SonicStage, Simple Burner, HiMDRenderer, and Wave Converter to the most recent versions [note that Wave Converter is no longer required as a separate download asof SonicStage v3.0]

When making a support request, be as thorough with your information as possible. The more you tell us, the more likely a solution can be found.

Include as much tech info as you can provide, including but not limited to:

* Operating system version and service pack level

* SonicStage and Simple Burner versions, if relevant

* Whether codec packs have been installed on the system [especially FFDSHOW]

* the model of the recorder/downloader involved

* Basic computer hardware info, including as a minimum: CPU type/speed; amount of RAM installed; USB interface version [1.0, 1.1, or 2.0]

* List of applications that were running when the problem occurred, especially USB helper utilities for devices such as mice or cameras, antivirus app and their version, and anything else that loads on boot and is always open in the background [or the windows system tray, down by the clock in the corner]

Please do contribute to this. While some users won't be able to provide all the information asked, the more that is provided, the easier it is to find solutions - as well as the common elements between seemingly-unrelated problems.



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Pinned. I would also advise people make sure they are free of viruses + ad/spy-ware as well, which can cause major issues with Sonicstage. Don't say that you are free of viruses either, anonymous reader - more than 80% of the people I've spoken to at my job [cable ISP tech support] do, so if you think that Norton or McAfee is #1 you need to read this:


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Also, it is essential that you read the Software Problems FAQ prior to posting: http://forums.minidisc.org/index.php?showtopic=8071

The most common problems occuring can be solved by a simple uninstall/reinstall as detailed in the FAQ thread. It is absolutley imperative that you remove all the Sony/OpenMG related files, folders and registy entries from your system,prior to installtion, in order to properly ensure a "clean" install. If you don't do this, any problems you might be facing are likley to occur again when you re-install the software. In addition, make sure your unit is unplugged while running through this procedure.

In addition, please make sure you operating your unit as per the instructions in your user guide. Make sure your NetMD/HiMD device is attached directly to your computers USB (not via a USB hub). If you use a NetMD device, make sure you are using a fully charged battery or the unit is plugged into an AC adaptor before attempting to use your unit with the software. If you suspect that a hardware issue to do with your unit might be causing the problem as well, read through the Troubleshooting/Error Messages section of your user manual.

And also search around! It may be that other users have experienced similar problems to you in the past, and will have found or have had solutions posted. While the moderator/VIP team here are very knowledgeable, they are not on the board 24/7 and may not be able to respond to your post as quick as you'd like.

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  • 2 weeks later...

also remember the people on here giving you advice are unpaid volunteers. don't go balistic if your thread hasn't been answered straight away. don't SHOUT. don't start multiple help threads, all the sub-forums share the same users.

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