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Adjusting Main Playmode On Remote? (nh600d)

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radeon 21_

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I bought a 38el for use with my nh600d and can do everything but adjust the main play mode. I read the user manual for the nh900 and it says you have to go into the menu by holding display on the remote for 2 seconds, but on the 600, this doesn't bring up a menu. Has anybody found a way around this problem or am I going to have to hope that somehow this menu function can be enabled by a service mode hack?

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I tested the 38EL remote on the NF610 and the menu appears after I press the display button for 2 seconds. With my NH900 the remote does the same thing, first it shows the EDIT option then I press the jog lever (FF) and the MAINPMODE is shown. If you remote does not show the menu after you press the display for 2 sec then it must have some kind of malfunction mellow.gif where did you buy it?

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