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Recording Problems With Both Computers

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The "old" computer used to be used a lot for putting tape recordings onto computer, until a constant humming sound was found that is always there even when nothing is connected to the computer. It also works its way into recordings and pushes the entire waveform downwards so it looks off center when the wave is "viewed" in a wave editor

How to get rid of this interference ???


The "old" computer is an old 1998 pentium 233 with windows 95 and a sound blaster awe64. Wasn't willing to use minidisc yet because there is only one shot at uploading, unecessary drm, one extra step than recording straight to computer and problems with the "new" computer. Also when cool edit is used to get rid of the humming unpleasant metallic crunches appear in the finished sound.


Also recording problems with the "new" computer. When a sound source (not usb minidisc) is connected to the new computer and played, no sound will come out of the computer speakers sometimes or if it does, cool edit would not pick up the sound and records blank. Sound will only come if the video catcher is started and cool edit still will not pick up the sound.

How to fix this ???

Edited by tartan
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Old computer: Soundcard defective. I wouldn't rule out a blown A/D-converter or defective input amp.

New Computer: Driver problem. Or if you have added a second soundcard, the existing on board sound gets in the way.

If you do have only one soundcard physically in the system, then it is most definitely a driver problem.

That's where I would look first.

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Guest NRen2k5

Actually the first thing I suspect would be a ground loop.

Is the sound still there when your computer, monitor and the deck you're recording from are all plugged into the same wall socket or power-bar?

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