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Ex71s Hurt

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just recieved Sony Ex71s and i have to admit that i love them. I kinda like the bass heaviness of them and clarity is much better than what i had. I also enjoy the case that they come with and the extra cord windup thingy, but, let's cut to the chase....They hurt my ears. sad.gif

I have tried them for a few days and find that shortly after i try to use them my ears and my head hurts.

I believe that it might have been that i had the volume up too loud(i have a NH900 and the volume was at 15 at the time) because my gf tried them and thought they were too loud and hurt her ears.

Unfortunately, I tried them again just now with the volume at 3-5 and they still hurt.

I am listening to mostly classical music.

i don't think that it is that i have sensitive ears b/c i usu listen to my music loud whether it's Stravinsky or Deftones and i am a percussionist and am used to loud noisy stuff:).

I think that I am getting a cold and am also wondering if that would affect ny ears and such ???

I have one more "test" to do which is to try them for a time w/o music to see if it's just that they are hurting my ears and not the music but i would appreciate any feed back anyone could give on any aspect of what i mentioned in the meantime. I say this because i just read in the newly pinned phones FAQ that one pair hurt aeriyn's ears but stopped after a while( that thread was awesome btw).

Thank you everyone in advance, I know you will be helpfull, as always.(sorry it's so long but this is driving me NUTS!)

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Any in-ear phones should beused with low voulmes. That's the first thing you need to remember. I honestly think that the EX71s are among the most comfortable in-ear phones I've ever used, so it might be a volume thing for you. However, the EX71s might not be for you man. I'd suggest a pair of in-ear phones that can use foam earplugs. The e2c would be a good choice, they sound good to me and are comfy.

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The EX71s have a 7kHz resonance funkiness that sometimes causes headaches and head pain. My brother cannot use EX71s but I can listen to them just fine.

I suggest burning them in for 100 hours or so and then trying them to see if it doesn't soften the little edge of piercing highs that can get some folks.

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You won't love them for long - mine broke 2 hours ago - AFTER ONLY 2 MONTHS OF USE - and by the sounds of loads of other people.. you'll be lucky if yours last you more htan 6 months. why? because the build quality on these things is so horrendous that even with moderate and careful, gentle use (i was treating these things SO CAREFULLY), the copper inside will corrode and come undone (something technical) - and you will notice a huge loss in volume (to the point where you can't hear) and then it will completely disappear.

I thought that they were good earphones.. but for me they always lacked in the vocal areas. These earphones now in my opinion plain and simply suck. I spent a good £25 (wwhich for me is a lot) and now i can't even return the bloody things.

I'm just so angry right now.. because I treated these stupid things so well - and i was relaxing on the couch... listening to my hi-md when the right channel just died. It came back .. (much lower volume) and then it died again.

What gets me is that there are SO MANY people complaining about this - and who had the same problem as me - and yet nothing has been done. It is horrendous.

Just go get the Panasonic RP-HJE50 - and return the ones you have now if you're not liking them because they will die.... trust me.... if you google search "MDR-EX71SL channel dead" or something like that you will get a worringly large amount of people who experienced this problem.. you can even see it on amazon reviews if you look at lowest rated reviews first.

I was only slightly aware of how many people's earphones broke before buying them.. but i thought stupidly - 'hey.. it won't happen to me because well stuff like this never has and i take care of it so well' - i was wrong... there are other - better/similar price earphones out there.

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Thanks very much everyone:). I did test them w/o the music and it did not hurt(bummer) so i am in the process of burning them in, hoping that that will fix the problem becuase i would rather not waste the money but i dunno...

I also think that foamies would be better b/c i have used earplugs like that and don't have any problem.

If this doesn't work i look into those two pairs so thanks again:).

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