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Backing Up Cassettes On N707

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I've been looking for a way to give the music on my cassette collection a more permanent, stable home. I never did manage to get them onto CDs via PC, something about the software or the cords I was using, or maybe sound card, or the way I was breathing - I don't know and I got tired of trying. I got my kids a couple of NH600d's for Christmas and I liked what they could do, but I needed something that could record analog. I tried to get the "world version" NH600 but this seems to be a phantom unit as all the auctions on eBay stating they were "the world version" were actually NH600D or, in my case, the auction I won the seller didn't really have it and couldn't get it... very displeased.

*Anyway*, I researched and figured I could tolerate and afford an N707 (wasn't too whoopy about the Net bit as I don't do MP3s anyway, but couldn't afford the better non-Net recorders in auction) and won one from eBay, and expect it in very soon.

I looked at the manual online and it does not specify much about the cord required for recording analog. Is there anything specific I should be asking for at Radio Shack? Is "optical line" the same as the analog line I need? Does it need to have an analog end for the headphone/line out on the cassette player, and a digital end for the MD? Any details are greatly appreciated. I am not techspeak-savvy and am working a long weekend; therefore I'm easily confused, so please be gentle.


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