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Strange Problem With Nh900

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Yesterday while I was recording at Church my recorder recorded 1 hour and 4 minutes on one track then another 37 minutes on another. After turning it on and setting it down I didn't touch it again. What would it split my track like that? This is the first time it has done this and it appears to be all there so it is no big problem I am just curious why.

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all MD recorders place track marks (split tracks) when there is 3 seconds of silence, this is not a problem (well maybe a design one but not a hardware problem) and shouldnt be anything to worry about

Is there anyway to turn this feature off? I could live without it...

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Different people seem to have different experiences with this, for some reason, but here's how it works on my NH700:

When using the mic-in:

* there is no auto-trackmarking [following silences]

* auto time marking [which inserts a track mark at an interval you set] works normally

When using the line-in:

* auto trackmarking [following silences] is normally on, and can't be turned off

* auto time marking defeats the above

* sync record is used with the optical in only and is supposed to pick up trackmarks from the source you're recording from

There are several threads about this on the board already, and it seems that different people [even with the same models] are experiencing different behaviour with their recorders.

In any case, you can always erase the track marks on the recorder or by combining the tracks after uploading. I never use most of the editing features on the unit itself, so I'd suggest checking your manual to see what it says about removing track marks. [it's not difficult to do, I just don't know the procedure off the top of my head.]

For info on combining uploaded tracks within SS, check the uploading FAQ, which can be found here:



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