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I Have Two Questions

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my first question is probably a little silly. I have lost all four of the screws that hold the top covering of my MD player on to the unit. my MD player still works...but I am afraid that something may hurt it when the top isn't fully secured. I don't have a clue where I can find screws that small. Any suggestions?

second. I love my MD player (walkman) but I want to be able to listen to my MDs in my car. I don't have an input jack that goes to my CD player, and I don't have a cassette player in my car. So I am looking at a few options. I don't have much money at this time...so I am looking for the cheapest buy. Are there any Net MD players for cars at this time? and if so how much are they? or...are there any MD-to CD player adaptors available? thanks for the help.


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Yes there are MD players available for cars. You can find the names/model numbers here in the minidisc.org Equipment Browser. There is no such thing as "NetMD" player for cars - all NetMD is is a standard for MDLP recorders to hook up to computers - a bit silly to hook up your car MD player to your PC!

What you need is just an "MDLP compatible" MD player for you car. You can download your music using your NetMD Walkman, and then play the music back in your car.

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actually i thought there was a net md for the car dash. ok. there was a sony yr 2000 model that allowed you to record but i don't remember the #

anyway what you want is an fm transmitter. one popular model is the belkin tunecast. there are many others.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The screw question is not a silly one--one bad part of the design of those units is that the screws invariably fall out sooner or later.

If you go to a pharmacy and get a typical $2 eyeglasses repair kit, it is likely to include at least one screw that will fit the MD player (along with a screwdriver for it!). Try one and then go back and get more for whatever you need.

*After you replace the screws, paint over them with clear nail polish to lock them in.*

If the eyeglass kits sound like an expensive and wasteful solution, it is, but it's no worse than buying Sony parts.

If you want to get screwed by Sony, here is the info from an email:

"Thank you for contacting Sony's Direct Accessories and Parts Center (DAPC USA).

Your question was: small replacement screws that hold together corners of lid--4 of them--on Minidisc player MZ-N707

The items you requested are listed below.

Item 1 - screw for black model, 323444917 -- $1.84 ea.

Item 2 - screw for silver & blue models, 323444919 -- $1.84 ea.

You may place your order using the link below or call 1-800-488-7669.

Shipping charges and local taxes will be added to your order at checkout."

Sony Direct Accessories & Parts Center web site - http://www.sony.com/accessories

That's $1.84 PER SCREW plus shipping. How to profit off a design flaw....

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