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Ranting In E-minor

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The Low Volta

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the next passage in another thread got me thinkng...

Well, I am in Ireland and considering mail-ordering one of those nice new orange Hi-MD recorders. I went down to Dixon's just to see if they stocked Hi-MD disks and oddly they did. It took quite a while for the challenged person at cash to figure out how to get a price, until I softly suggested she should scan the barcode on the disc package. It's this sort of acute facility with the vagaries of modern life that make me a functioning human being. Unlike those hired to work at Dixons. But I digress.

hm... this guy's troubles seemed so familiar to me, but especially after I got to know the pleasures of HiMD I seem to get a lot more of ignorant shopkeeper behaviour!

at the first shop I went to, in search of a recording device (I didn't know of himd at the time yet) an employee tried to convince me that some rubbish no-mark mp3-player with about 128mb storage space that couldn't even use an external mic surely would suit my needs...hm, I went in asking for something that could record lectures/interviews as well as concerts!? After considerable effort I convinced the guy it wouldn't, but then he said with a big grin that there was no such digital device to do the things I wanted...hm

by now I knew not to trust shopkeepers too much and I decided to try another retailer. This one introduced me to HiMD and I will be forever gratefull for this. But then again his entire explanation came from the side of the box and the only extra argument was: 'I know a rock band that bought one to record their rehersals' which is ok, but one expects more before spending $250 (yes, all you lucky fresh nh900 users out there, it cost that much once!!).

I went home to think about it and did some research (which led me to the old MDCF). I also went to our electronics-mega-mart to se whether they had a more competetive price on the nh900. It was the same price, but they also sold all the other 1st gen models (of which I had read on the forums) so I tried to ask the person working there for some more info on the differences... I dunno what got into my head, but NEVER ask an employee of such a gigantic store anything! I only got a blank stare as I described what I'd already read and he only answered me with a muffled 'huh'. As I requested to take these machines out of their glass cage so I could at least handle them to get a feel he (and I kid you not!!) called for the security as he thought I was going to try to run off with 'em!?

After this little incident I swore to never enter that store again (a promise I would have kept, hadn't they just recently stocked up on relatively low-priced Himd-blanks mad.gif I'm weak, I know)

I went back to the second shop and ordered my nh900 after they first tried to sell me the displayed one for full price and were quite shocked when I demanded a discount for a machine that had actually been used in store.

Believe me, I am happy with my little machine, and I never really believed that pro-sumer bollocks before, but after each and every one I spoke to in a shop insisted that 1st gen himd's could play mp3's WITHOUT conversion even as I pointed to the relevant passage in the manual, I knew I'd have to get my consumer-knowledge from sites like these... and believe me, this works much better!! MDCF has helped me more than all (sur)'real' shopkeepers I've met untill now

Later I have been through almost the same routine while looking for a decent mic for my interviews... and I didn't even plan to go to any reallife shop anymore now that I'm looking to invest in a decent setup (stereo mic and batt-box/boostbox if it wasn't that expensive) for concerts... I will order through the net, especially as the most interesting/affordable options are US-products anyway... but now I've run into another layer of totally ignorant persons...customs officers (just try to get info on import costs for audio materials from the USA to Belgium! I need to know before I order just to know how big/small my budget actually is, as I'm really stretching to afford this stuff... I'm still a poor student you know wink.gif )

So I would like to end with this: thank you HiMD, for letting me enter the wonderfull world of recording and for giving me the chance to interact with some of the lowest life forms disguised as shopkeepers...

and an even bigger (and sincere) thanks to all ppl on MDCF for providing me with real info and tips!

Sebastiaan aka The Low Volta

P.S.: for the ppl who don't know Bill Hicks mentioned in the topic title (shame on you!!) just check him out... he was (regretfully died way too early) one of the greatest and sharpest American comedians of all time* http://www.billhicks.com/

*unlike me! I'm sorry all to bug you with this rant, but I grew up in a time where shopkeepers were also the kepers of a lot of hidden knowledge and this really burst my bubble tongue.gif

Edited by The Low Volta
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