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HD5 power saving routines

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I'll have to admit I don't use the player for what it was intended, I use two for backing tracks for a dance band.

Since my two trusty JE510 MD's started letting me down due to old age, I thought it would be nice to "upgrade" to mp3, and save having to swap discs every couple of mins.

The HD5 was the best of a pretty useless selection - I couldn't find a "grown up" MP3 player.

I record midi to a standard wav file, then convert to atrac+256, which gives a good enough sound. Pity poor old Sonic Stage can't reliably cope with converting more than one track at a time!

Anyway, back to the point, when the PS is connected why does the HD5 have to have a battery, and why must it go into suspend after a couple of minutes, and why can't the backlight stay on longer than 30 secs?

Anyone out there done a firmware hack to switch all this power saving rubbish off.

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  BobManhattan said:
I'll have to admit I don't use the player for what it was intended, I use two for  backing tracks for a dance band.

Since my two trusty JE510 MD's started letting me down due to old age, I thought it would be nice to "upgrade" to mp3, and save having to swap discs every couple of mins.

The HD5 was the best of a pretty useless selection - I couldn't find a "grown up" MP3 player.

I record midi to a standard wav file, then convert to atrac+256, which gives a good enough sound.  Pity poor old Sonic Stage can't reliably cope with converting more than one track at a time!

Anyway, back to the point, when the PS is connected why does the HD5 have to have a battery, and why must it go into suspend after a couple of minutes, and why can't the backlight stay on longer than 30 secs?

Anyone out there done a firmware hack to switch all this power saving rubbish off.

ABOUT BACKLIGHT,No there is no tweak to disable it

.But as i have already discussed in the forum about not using that "Service Menu" .But if u still want to risk ur player use it but remember u might end up losing all ur data(as in my case) or u might damage ur player.But i think u will have live with that stupid 30sec back light

Edited by Stuge
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im pretty sure there is an option in the main menu, not the service menu, to diasble the backlight altogether!

as for the small time it takes to refresh its databse when you disconect it, i asume thats what you mean when you say "hybernates for 30sec", thats nessesary for the device so it doesnt thrash the harddisk around looking for files.

and i agree abou thet servcie menu, its dangerous under the wrong circumstances!


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The HD5 is full of stupid little bugs like that.

I too hate the shutdown times of the HD5, they are way too short, you look away and it switches off before you press something. And the player still turns off when you have it paused. What's worse is that if you are shuffling something it looses the info of what you have just played and what you havn't so it starts shuffling again.....grrrr

All this power saving stuff thats not adjustable and then they go have let the backlight turn on when you press a button when HOLD is on! Thats more of a battery waster than anything. Same with it shutting down and starting it up all the time because it wont stay on idle for a while.

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  mercury_in_flames said:
It would be cool if they made a wireless remote thing that played the titles on a car stereo, like what they did for another certain mp3 player

I would be very nice to wireless remote but remember that wireless remote will also need some power to operate it.But i think sony should add wireless remote Atleast in there hard disk players

Edited by Stuge
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