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Ss Skinmod Project !

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i had the idea, when i made my own custom background, i found that the rest of the prog didn't fit any more. so i started browsing the "sonicstage/data/image" folder, and the first thing i found was the plash screen ("/image/customize", the titlebars are there as well, and were the next step...), which was easy to mod, and currently looks like this:


note that it only is a placeholder and far from finished. the title should be considered as a little gag, the idea behind my mod is to quit the shining, so it's the anti-shine skinmod.

when i had the splash screen, i was completely fascinated by customizing other folders, and there i went..

my method was simple: i browsed all folders (ok, i missed some of them, there's plenty) and drawed a replacement icon for each icon i found, including the path of the icon, to be able to replace it afterwards.

some buttons and icons are made of separate files, i skipped those, to keep the first run simple. most of the files are bmp, some few are png. (png is used if there's transparency needed)

there are (mostly) four different images for each button: normal, hot (mouse over), pushed and disabled.

i scanned those drawings, and started replacing the images using a complete backup of the "/data/images" folder. (mainly photoshop, a little of windows paint for some bmps that wouldn`t open in ps.)

i also changed the "recording finished" sound.

when i had that done i simply replaced the original with my modded image folder and started ss.

this is how it looks now:


i used ss 3.0, i don't know how much there's changed with 3.1, but anyways, trying is on your own risk, and

be shure to have the original "/image" folder backed up somewhere, in case it shouldn't work, or you'd want to go back !

here is the rar file including the modded image folder and the scans (jpg): http://mo.beatnerdz.com/ss-skinmod/ss-skinmod_v0.01.rar

it's far from finished, but much fun using. it's a little bumpy (using the buttons) but that's part of the concept of this skin..

and there's one (known) bug, since i misinterpreted one button. ("connect music store button")

where i'm completely stuck is changing the layout, i have not the slightest clue of xml, and this is where MAJOR changings could be made. like i had the idea of letting the xml's refer to png's instead of bmp's so one could add more (partly) transparent stuff or at least change the used font. but i have too much respect of that to touch it.. ph34r.gif

any help would be greatly appreciated.



Edited by SlowMo
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