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Sonicstage 3.1 Crash On Start Help

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Im having problems with the sonic stage program.

When I start Sonicstage I get a message saying

"Updating Sonicstage database, Sonicstage will be restarted after the updating has compleated"

I click ok, sonicstage closes and a progress bar comes up for about a second and goes off.

what is going on?

any help would be great.

windows XP Home

version 2002

service pack 2

Amd 3200+

512mb ram

Sony net md walkman mz-n710

Cheers dave.

[EDIT - put some specs up so im not braking the "rules"]

Edited by Madrocker
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first of all, welcome to MDCF and sorry to hear about your problems...

but if you really want to be helped... please post according the rules (like they're described here )

Edited by The Low Volta
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[EDIT - put some specs up so im not braking the "rules"]

lol...the problem is not that you'd be "braking any rules"... the problem is that with too little information, the real wise men of MDCF (no, not me! tongue.gif ) wouldn't know where to begin with searching for a solution...so thanks for editing your post.

and to be a bit annoying (tongue.gif no actually to see if I could help) was this your first installation of (any version of) SonicStage? Any other Sony software installed? Do you have an older library with atrac(plus) or otherwise sony-copyright-protected (DRM'ed) songs? Have you tried a clean install (as described here) (carefull, if you haven't backed-up your sony-protected library, you will loose this!) Have you read all software faqs whether this problem or something similar has already popped up/been solved?

wish I could be more helpfull, but I'm rather limited in my software knowledge

good luck

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lol...the problem is not that you'd be "braking any rules"... the problem is that with too little information, the real wise men of MDCF (no, not me! tongue.gif ) wouldn't know where to begin with searching for a solution...so thanks for editing your post.

and to be a bit annoying (tongue.gif no actually to see if I could help) was this your first installation of (any version of) SonicStage? Any other Sony software installed? Do you have an older library with atrac(plus) or otherwise sony-copyright-protected (DRM'ed) songs? Have you tried a clean install (as described here) (carefull, if you haven't backed-up your sony-protected library, you will loose this!) Have you read all software faqs whether this problem or something similar has already popped up/been solved?

wish I could be more helpfull, but I'm rather limited in my software knowledge

good luck

It was my first install of Sonicstage.

the version i had was 1.5 and that didnt work so i updated it to 3.1.

3.1 didnt work ether, so i came here for help.

ather a few hours messing about with it and a few "clean" installs still no luck.

Finaly found a thread on here with a d/l to a program called "CSRepair" and Re-registered MS jet and MDAC witch fixed Sonicstage at last

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glad to see that you figured it out (sorry you had to do this all by yourself blushing.gif )

but you see, there are a lot of ppl around with better knowledge than me, so searching MDCF is always a very good idea...

enjoy your MD-experience! and see you around on the forums

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Cheers m8.

This is my 3rd Md and muy first to use the Sonicstage software, Im used to the old optical way.

Its just hard trying to find what your looking for on forums as the thread names differ alot to what your looking for.

Thanks for the help anyway.

Cheers Dave.

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