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Sony Neige Or Premium Gold?

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Hello everyone! Sorry if this is a repeat question, I searched the forum a few times and didn't find an answer. It seems as though aside from build quality most blanks are pretty much the same.. I was just wondering if the "anti-shock" with the Premium Gold's actually make a difference. I'm currently torn between the Neige and the Gold's, any difference with regards to sound quality or archival life? Thanks for any info!

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Hmm, I've bought some used Premium Gold discs and I still haven't found anything different in its construction compared to other discs.

They rattle the same way other discs rattle, when shaken.

Sound quality should be identical, as it is digital data.

Except for Memorex discs, I had no failures.

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since we are talking about digital encoding of the data on the disc, how can the disc type affect sound quality?

I would guess that quality issues would be related to the reliability of the discs/media and that quality is impacted only if there is media degradation?

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since we are talking about digital encoding of the data on the disc, how can the disc type affect sound quality? 

I would guess that quality issues would be related to the reliability of the discs/media and that quality is impacted only if there is media degradation?

Yes, you are quite right. Media degradation is a major factor for sound quality; and disc type should have no siginificant affect on sound quality. However, I read that some user experienced somewhat clarity in bass with the Sony MD2000 media. I suspect it's purely subjective. Nonetheless, the MD2000's disc magnetic sensitivity of 2dB higher than all other media may have a plausible sound quality improvement to some ears.

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