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Sony Nh-14wm Gumsticks Sale

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A few months ago, I bought a couple of Sony NH-14WM gumsticks via a thread kurisu had created (the thread is now missing due to a system technical issue) for $3.49 per piece. Great deal indeed. Now, it is even lower!! If you folks are interested, you can get them for $2.99 per piece from The Electronic Goldmine.

Note: Sale Price expires 07/15/05

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wow, very nice price indeed! just ordered an rh-10 and my iriver cd player's gumsticks have died anyway, i need these! but they have 50$ minimum international order. sad.gif

anyone from the states want to help me out and buy me 6 sticks along their order and ship them to me? I'll paypal you the price and buy you 2 sticks as a compensation! cool.gif

pm me.

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  • 4 weeks later...

How long does it take to charge in the RH-10? I looked all over the doco that came with in and was never able to see the answer to that question. (of course, quite possible that I missed it...)

Oh, well. For $25 still seems like a decent option. If somebody finds another option, please post... biggrin.gif

Crazy.  This thing takes longer to do a full charge than the built-in of the RH10 supposedly does?

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