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Everything posted by daremo

  1. I wonder if it would run under something like Wine. Though I highly doubt it.
  2. I was an exchange student in Japan in 2000 and kept wondering what these little square recorders were. I picked up a cheap R-91 that was on sale, and have been hooked ever since.
  3. daremo

    Noisy HiMD?

    My good old R91 has made a noisy whiny noise as it reads the disc since the day I got it. I think some players just have a noisy motor. The disc spins contantly, but speeds up as the player reads it. Its at this point the noise can be pretty loud if I place it on a wooden floor or desk. Unless your hearing this noise over your music in your headphones, or people are staring at you wondering what the heck that noise is, sounds like a normal thing to me.
  4. with Firefox try right clicking and choosing Page Info. Then go to the media tab, flip through until you find the right thing, and then click save as.
  5. I had my first problem last night. Listening to a Hi-MD disc with recordings made from SS in LP2 and several tracks had silence right in the middle of them. Going to try and reformat the disc and see what happens. Batch number is:4AAA132PE
  6. Has anyone else noticed how complex Sony has made it though? Now we have SP and HiSP and LP and HiLO and all this stuff between. Maybe they should have just ditched the names and gone with straight out numbers for the modes. It is a little confusing when your not used to it. I thought LP2 and LP4 were complex enough.
  7. I like the fact that you can get a blank minidisc for around $1.50 a disc and a 1 gig HiMD for $6.99 a disc. Thats some good value.
  8. I have not done so yet, but I am going to switch them soon. I think I'll keep the bigger cases for the couple discs I use as data backup discs. But yeah, stupid big cases ><
  9. Just in case you cannot figure it out: They have these at www.minidisco.com now. Pretty funny! The only time I have ever had any trouble with disc direction is putting them into my car player when driving home from work in the dark. It gets angry and spits them out... It can throw a disc all the way onto the back seat o.O Here is a link where you can buy one if you need ^^ http://www.minidisco.com/md-bc80apx3s.html
  10. Did you try to initialize the disc? Open up Sonic Stage and go to Controls then click on Device / Media (while your MD is plugged into the USB cable that is) and then click Initialize. That should clear everything on the disc out making a brand new clean disc.
  11. Does a complete reformat of the disc make it useable again?
  12. You can use simple burner with any audio CD, but your better off just importing your mp3s into Sonic Stage. Much faster and less disc waste. Yes, Sonic Stage is a pain in the butt for mp3 transfers, but it does work decently if you copy your existing CDs to it. I actually have all my CDs in Sonic Stage in High SP. Makes it nice and quick to put together a disc, or listen to anything in very good quality. This method does take many gigs of disc space though... EDIT: Make sure to go into the advanced options and tell it to delete current files from hard disk after transfering. You will save yourself wasting lots of disc space.
  13. Wow thats a good deal. Just wish the LIP-4WM ones would come down in price.
  14. So far no peeling yet. But I have a feeling like all labels eventually there will be some. Most of my MD labels that come with the discs at some point start to peel. Esp the thin one on the front of the disc >_<
  15. OMG. So pretty! But when is the HiMD color collection coming out? PLEASE SONY!
  16. On a side note, where is a good place to find prerecorded minidisc? When I was in Japan I would see a couple here and there in stores, but never purchased one.
  17. I have a friend with another sharp recorder (MD-MS702 MK) having the same issue. He told me he was told the cost of repair is higher than a new unit. He is bringing it over for me to look at on Wednesday. If I figure anything out I'll let you know.
  18. I just started using Hi-MD data to backup my webpage. Its a little on the slow side, but I can use the same disc over and over again. Don't have to worry about scratching it either. I was just curious what people use the data feature for. I'm sure there are lots of great uses I never even thought of.
  19. Interesting... Have you tried this yet? Since Ive imported all my CDs in HiSP, moving them to an MD in that format does not require any more converting. But I could see this being an issue if you used NetMD and only had the option of going from HiSP to LP2 or LP4...
  20. Any in dash automotive HiMD players planned? Or maybe even changers that would work with current equipment?
  21. Once you go ELK, you never go back! (the bigger one that is...)
  22. Id like to know if this works myself. Im pretty sure the library will only play on one computer. But what if you ran the backup program and burned the results to DVD...
  23. It is tricky unless your unit has one of the 4XELK remotes. These nice little three line remotes have the play pause next track controls on a jog dial. Stop and volume up and down are right next to the jog dial. The best feature on the remote is the slider control on the front. You can slide up and down through tracks and then click down on it to select a group to expand it, or select a song. Without the remote my NH1 is usable, but forget searching for anything >_<
  24. Well, as far as organization goes HiMD is all right. You can organize the tracks into groups, and then flip between groups. If you use SonicStage it will tag the files with a track name, album name, and artist name. This is done for you when importing a CD, but I think you have to input these yourself otherwise. I don't really use mp3, so I don't really know for sure if SonicStage pulls info from the mp3's tag or not... As far as playback goes: If you hit play, the unit plays every track in order like a CD. You can also choose a couple other modes though. Group Play - Plays tracks in the same group. Artist Play - Plays tracks by artist name Album Play - Plays tracks by album name Bookmark Play - Tag a bunch of tracks. Sorta like a playlist. Program Play - Play back playlist
  25. It least this is a step in the right direction. This is the best usage of MD data storage I've seen yet. Just think how cheap discs are compared to media cards used by most digital cameras. Lets just hope for better cameras in the devices that follow this one
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