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Hi-md V. Jb3

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Lately I've been considering purchasing either a Hi-MD model or a Creative Nomad Jukebox 3. The one thing that is making me lean toward the JB3 is that you can upload an unlimited number of times and also there are no automatic track marks added when recording line-in (when the levels are low, that is). So, I want to ask people who have used both what their opinions are. Obviously, this is a MD board and I am bound to get biased replies, but I'd still like to hear. How does sound quality differ ... Also, ease of live recording (the JB3 is a lot bigger).

Thanks! :-)

P.S.: This may belong in the Hi-MD forum, but since I am actually trying to decide on one device or the other, I decided to post here (find your minidisc).

Edited by javertim
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You might want to check out this group:


And this FAQ:


And this site in general:


I'm using it and my main concern is the lack of a quality built-in mic preamp / A/D converter, so you have to carry around additional devices for recording, which makes it pretty uncomfortable and 'unstealthy'.

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