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Everything posted by greenmachine

  1. Mic-in might be mono; line-in would be the better choice quality-wise. There are external soundcards with line-in.
  2. The original Dangerous is actually quite dynamic. The 2001 remastered version is about 6dB louder, but still listenable.
  3. Hi, a rock concert should be significantly louder than recording your stereo, so you should get better levels in the field. A higher voltage does increase the gain a bit, but not significantly.
  4. Most recorders should be able to handle the initial peak. An idea would be to connect the battery before connecting box and recorder.
  5. The service is more or less closed. Thank you to all customers. For instructions on how to build your own set, please refer to this thread: http://forums.minidisc.org/index.php?showtopic=11254
  6. You're welcome. The WM-61's are still available at digikey and other vendors AFAIK.
  7. The cutoff frequency doesn't say much about the resulting sound quality, unless set way too low. Most adults can't hear beyond 15kHz anyway.
  8. If you want bass roll off, use capacitors of lower value.
  9. Distortion's not really recoverable, sorry. Better luck next time. By the way, it's called AGC (automatic gain control) if you don't set the level manually.
  10. If it overloads at high sensitivity setting, try the low one with a relatively low manual level setting of approx. 10-20. By the way, the mic is mono; stereo will sound more lively when recording from a distance. God gave you two ears for a good reason.
  11. About 8 or 10 should be a good start. The heat shrink tube should be slightly larger in diameter than the capsules i.e. 6+ mm.
  12. Try this link, it's an overview of their mic capsules: http://www.schlotzhauer-versand.de/index.p...d3375895ba68c30
  13. It works with recorders equipped with a line and/or mic input. Try http://www.schlotzhauer-versand.de/ in Germany.
  14. Might be a defective MD in the NH600, did you try a different one?
  15. Unless from a very close distance, recording a church organ should be possible without distortion without external attenuation in most cases, even with highly sensitive mics. Just set the manual levels relatively low somewhere in the 10-20 of 30 range (lo sens setting). If it still distorts at 10/30, it must be an exceptionally loud organ. No comparison to rock concert levels.
  16. Just to emphasize that it's not the missing frequencies above 16kHz or so that makes the sound dull - these frequencies are just the sparkling high end - the tip of the iceberg - many people can't even hear them, thus they're often omitted by lossy codecs. What makes it sound dull is the constant drop in amplitude towards higher frequencies from about 200Hz onwards. For demonstration here's a graph from the sample (red) compared to the original 1978 studio recording of the song:
  17. Sounds very dull. Maybe rethink the mic placement. Put them as high up as possible without anything covering them.
  18. Whatever sounds good to you. For my taste, there's too much noise, underwater-like compression artifacts and an imbalance towards the left channel amongst other minor flaws. Thanks for sharing.
  19. The SP mic is more sensitive than the Sony, so both signal and noise levels will be higher. What you're looking for is the signal to noise ratio (SNR). Try using a the low sensitivity setting and a lower manual level setting than with the Sony to compensate for the higher sensitivity. Using an attenuator in the signal path will negatively influence the SNR, it's only necessary for recording loud sounds. The "Binaurals" have an omnidirectional pickup characteristic as opposed to the Sony's directional one, so this may have an influence on the SNR for sounds coming from a certain direction (speech, etc.). To compensate, move the mic closer to the source.
  20. Without having owned one, you'll most likely want to use the low setting. For loud concerts even this might pre-amplify too much. You'll have to try and see.
  21. There are already DC filtering capacitors built into the battery box. The mic-in has a preamp behind it so the signal will be amplified, which may lead to overload at a loud show. Attenuation via an external headphone volume control would be a possibility, albeit less optimal than going directly into line-in.
  22. a good mic position is important for a clear sound. try to place them as high and close as possible without any muffling barriers between the sound source and the receptors. a battery box does not pre-amplify, so it is normal that the line-in levels are not too high.
  23. If you record loud sounds, a battery box is all you need. For relatively faint sounds a preamp is required. What kind of mics are you using?
  24. That won't work, you might end up with damaging the unit. Stick to 3V or whatever they need.
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