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Windows Xp 64-bit Can't Detect Netmd

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  • 4 weeks later...

I am also having a problem with the drivers and when I try and install them off the disk it says they are not combatable with window x64 edition.

I tried kurisu's edit of the driver and it installed without it complaining not being comabatible with x64 edition but it now comes up saying the driver is not working properly.

Any chance of you having a look at it again or can we email the people who made the driver and ask if they could make a beta version for windows 64?

Edit - It says "A service Installation section in this INF has failed" when I add it via Device Manager

Edited by 4fingers
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  • 1 year later...

I'm also desperately looking for a Net MD driver for Windows XP X64. Been almost a year since this topic was last discussed.

Anyone noticed this discussion? http://www.planetamd64.com/index.php?showtopic=17880

Could disassembling and recompiling netmdusb.sys work??

I also bought HI-MD because I have lots of MD:s and I want my new portable player to support them. I actively use both NetMD and HI-MD at home and NetMD in car, I have a Sony MZ-RH10, MDS-JB980 and MD-XF5800 car player and I was really dissapointed when I saw that there's only HI-MD support available for Windows X64. I really hope this situation gets corrected soon, aren't Minidisc manufacturers (Maxell and TDK just announced a new line of MD:s) concerned about this lack of drivers on 64-bit operating systems??

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