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Can Not Play Minidisc Transfers

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I'm pretty much new to this so it may have been covered already somewhere on this forum, but i have a problem with transfering my mp3 files to my Hi-MD MZ-RH910, running on XP pro with the sonic stage 3.1 software. (isnt it cumbersome?)

The problem is with the mp3 encoding issue, some of my files when transfered to the Hi-MD from sonic stage will not play, and i keep getting a CAN NOT PLAY error. I beleive it is something to do with the generation of the MP3 Fle and how it is encoded.

I dont really know about the atrac file conversion, so it is set to default open MG audio (atrac3) 132kbps.

Can anyone help me with this issue? if it is due to how the mp3 file is encoded, is their a way around it?

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I would suggest leaving it on the "AS IS" option, that way your MP3s should be transferred to the HiMD unit without any transcoding. Also, make sure they are Constant Bitrate, as SS seems to choke on VBR.

Unless of course, you want to convert them to ATRAC. Try changing it to Atrac 256. It will sound better, anyway,

Edited by Syrius
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