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Ss Will Not Recognize My Hi-md.

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I guess the title says it all. What had happened was I was running a different Windows theme (skin) which caused SS to not display properly. Which of course, I didn't know at the time. I thought the program had screwed up (it hadn't). It had been working flawlessly till that point. So, I performed the full uninstall/reinstall to fix it and the problem remained till I realized it was the them that was doing it. Anyway, after another full un/reinstall, it still wouldn't recognize the unit. I did it again, I tried the German version method, all to no avail. Short of formatting my PC or reinstalling Windows I have no ideas. I know it sort of works because when I plug it in, the Simple Burner icon turns from the grey inactive to the red active icon. But when I open it up, it doesn't even attempt to read the disc. So, I'm stuck. All I have is like 20 albums on my one Hi-MD and the unit is pretty much useless without the software. Please help!

Computer specs:

2.4 GHz P4

512 Mb SDRAM

Windows XP Pro with SP2

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i believed i answered this already.. but in any case, right clikc the sonicstage icon, go to compatability, and check "disable visual themes"

Too late for that. It was already all over once I uninstalled it the first time. I don't know what to do from here.

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Okay. So after MDAC and all that other crap it STILL doesn't work. Windows installs it as a Hi-MD, and as far as Windows as concerned it works. The Simple Burner icon in ste system tray even changes from grey to red when it's plugged in, but when I run the program, it won't access the MD. SonicStage is the same way. Windows knows it's connected, but neither program will recognize it. My only recourse may be to reinstall Windows. Dammit, I'm getting sick of these same albums. I need the advice of the most cunning experts on this one.

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