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Disc halts in the middle of playback...

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I recorded a Bruce Hornsby performance last night with a Sony MZ-R909 and two old Maxell gold 74 minute discs in SP mode. I am having problems playing back both discs, both on my MZ-R909 and my MDS-JB940. About 12 minutes in on either disc, playback stops (although according to the display, the minidisc is still playing . . . but the timer stops moving).

On the second disc, which was nearer to being full, if I try skipping ahead to the last track, it resumes playback where the last track begins, but trying to skip to any of the tracks in between it just sits there. I can also seek back from the last track maybe 10 or 20 minutes (the track before it was very long).

I suppose this might be a TOC problem, but when I put the disc in my recorder it does know the correct number of tracks/time remaining on the disc so I'm not sure.

I guess the other possibilities are a problem with the media or a problem with my recorder. I used it a week ago and it worked fine then, I suppose I will put another disc in today and just record for a while to see what happens.

Has anyone encountered this problem before and know what may have caused it or if the recordings can be recovered?

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sounds like one of two things might have happened

1) disc problem, because you said the discs are old they may be suffering from age and not working perfectly anymore

-Try using a different disc (preferably a newly purchased one)

2) the recorders optical block is having difficulties recording audio

-Try using a different MD unit to record the music on the disc and see if it makes any difference.

I don't see this as being a TOC problem because the TOC only shows the starting position of the audio (each audio sector then links to the next) which means the song wouldn't play at all if the TOC was messed up

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