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visivox mics on ebay - is this a good deal?

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Hello all, happy.gif

I've seen this deal on ebay a few times for visivox stereo mics plus a preamp starting at $69 (buy now $79). The link is here:


Seems like one of those "almost too good to be true" deals. I can't find any specs on the mics themselves on visivox website nor could I find much about them here on the forums.

Has anyone has experience with these mics? Does this seem like a good setup for recording?

I have an RH10 HiMD and mostly record African Drumming in various locations (inside gyms, outside performances, indoor rehearsals, etc) with anywhere from 5-20 people playing at a time.

My current setup are teeny tiny clip on cardiod or binaural (I have both) mics made by giant squid audio lab with a battery box through line in. Results are okay, but I'd like to upgrade and pull in more bass.

Thanks for any help you can give this gal! smile.gif

- melissa

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Seems like a good deal indeed, they apply the source follower mod to their mics, which improves the performance in the high SPL area, capsules are precision matched within 1 dB to each other. You don't seem to need an external preamp though with your RH10, they also sell the microphones only for a slightly lower price. Although they seem to be very high quality, i don't think they would outperform your Giant Squid 'binaurals' significantly except for recording very loud sources maybe. But you would still need a separate battery box in this situation as their preamp cannot be used as power supply only without amplification. Did you buy your Giant Squid 'binaurals' with 'bass roll-off'?

What's the deal about wanting to 'pull in more bass'? Do your recordings turn out distorted, do they lack bass or do you just want to shell out some money?

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