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RH10 digital transfer question

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My apologies if this has been answered elsewhere. I feel like I've read just about everything on this site and am still a little unsure about this, so I wanted to double check.

I just picked up an RH10 last week and will be using it to stealth tape concerts. I understand that the RH10 will automatically put track marks in my recording if it is quiet enough for 2 seconds or so... so I'm assuming that I WILL have some unwanted track marks at some point. My question is this... I'm planning on deleting those track marks in the recorder, then connecting to my computer with USB and playing the recording through SS3.2 while recording it directly to my HD as a wav with Totalrecorder. Then I'll "master" the show in Wavelab, split it into separate tracks with CDWave Editor, and then burn to CD. Anyone see any potential problems with this process?

Thanks in advance.

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Yes but I'm not "uploading" them. I'm only playing the tracks THROUGH Sonicstage into a separate program which records them directly to my HD as wav. Seems like a difference to me... but then again I could be wrong.

That's why I asked this question... I have read in several places on this forum about the potential problem when combining tracks in the recorder and then uploading them. I was just wondering if anyone knew if this might be a more "stable" method.

EDIT: I guess you can consider me a so-called "paranoid" user... as stated here...


Edited by optimistic-pessimist
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Why not uplaod all the tracks to SonicStage, combine them and export that as a wave-file?

I guess I'm paranoid about possibly losing a recording in the upload, as so many people have complained of this problem in the past. According to the topic post that I mentioned above, if you're paranoid about this, you can play the recording THROUGH Sonicstage and simply record it directly onto your HD as a wav. This sounded like a more reliable method.

Do not combine anything via the unit; by doing so you are playing russian roulette with your recording.

Damn... sad.gif

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