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No transfer option

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Well I finally have Sonic Stage 3.2 installed. I opened the program & asked it to import files from a location on my hard drives that I had stored the thousands of MP3 tracks that I had ripped from my old CD's using iTunes for windows. I play a few tracks & everything appears to be working OK. I plug the minidisc recorded into my PC with the provided USB2 cable & machine is detected. PC-MD appears on the screen of minidisc recorder. I drag over a few files to create a play list & click transfer box. The box doesn't offer any transfer options to transfer to minidisc. What did I do wrong?

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After opening the library & selecting tracks I click on create new playlist. The selected tracks open up in a new panel on the right. When I click on transfer at top I only get option to trqnsfer to CD. Clicking on the arrow between left & right panels doesn't allow for fransfer to minidisc.

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After opening the library & selecting tracks I click on create new playlist.  The selected tracks open up in a new panel on the right.  When I click on transfer at top I only get option to trqnsfer to CD.  Clicking on the arrow between left & right panels doesn't allow for fransfer to minidisc.

It's a time bug, I think. (Somethimes You can find the label "No Device media connected") You have to load SS and wait for about 15-30sec some times longer.

Edited by Kalina
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After opening the library & selecting tracks I click on create new playlist.  The selected tracks open up in a new panel on the right.  When I click on transfer at top I only get option to trqnsfer to CD.  Clicking on the arrow between left & right panels doesn't allow for fransfer to minidisc.

When you click the "Transfer" button and didn't see your MD is definitely SS didn't detect your MD only your OS detected it. Try closing your windows explorer when you open your ss. What is the model of your MD?

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