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Sonic Stage worth it?

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I just have to speak out on Sonic stage the one program the one problem that needs to be nipped from the bud .. quickly jeoprodizing sony's credability. Imagine i purchased a NW-HD3 to have a crappy software that makes me feel like i wasted my money.. i mean SS been around for years.. and up to this day they can't seem to get it right.. from the first Itunes Apple was rowing their boat in the right direction and to be honest i think what have apple on top none theless is their itunes the program is close to flawless . Imagine i imported a library of about 5000 mp3s with SS and available is only 3015 available for playback/transfer so i was thinking maybe i did something wrong so i selected song by song to import what happens next the title is there but not the file... ever heard of.... never unfortunately i will be selling their player because it just is not worth the hastle. The sony rep that sold me the player spent aprox 40 mins trying to convince me to give it a try why.. his main point was the sound quality of the player.. and the fact that it's a "SONY" but that's not the wave we're ride today are we.. this thing got me soo fustrated . i hardly listen to music as i once did. simply because of a very incompetent software. I know as of now i can't make something better and i don't have to because i'm not SONY. but it's soo depressing.. lol... this is pathetic you might think but i was a sony fan so to speak and now to see my boys losing the battle losing the race they started a race they could once win runing backwards.. managed to be moonwalking all the way back to the starting line. My wish.. that sony will find their senses.. find better programmers if needs be.. take out all the unecessary stuff that comes hidden in their software, reduce the bulk of usless code in the app and make it better...

Edited by crazeybt1
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