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Online Canadian Store

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anyone know an online preferbably canadian store that sells the mz-rh910 mini disc player? It seems harder and harder to find hi md recorders at stores the days.

The best is MiniDisc Canada www.minidisc-canada.com. They are much cheaper than sony www.sonystyle.ca. They are outside of Montreal and if you are ordering out of province you only pay shipping & GST but no PST.

I bought a MZ-RH910 off of them 3-4 months ago, because Sony wasn't getting them in anytime soon and they were $20 cheaper. They deliver promptly to you.

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damn I just checked the site and they are out of stock. I didn't think it would be so hard to buy one, the new sonystyle 2006 catalogue doesn't even list mini discs. Maybe the sony store would have ?

I just checked the site and it looks like they are in stock to me.

The Sony Stores in Toronto never got them, so I assume the rest of the country is the same.

Look at the Minidisc-Canada site again.

Edited by Chiron
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