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Transferring songs, going to sleep?

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I'm new to the world of minidics and have run across my first problem.I have a sony net md walkman (mz-ne410) I'm trying to tranfer songs using sonic stage 3.2. Basically it goes as follows: Plug usb cable in to walkman ' PC>>MD' will be displayed on the lcd screen.

If i select a group of songs it will usually fail on the 2nd or 3rd saying it was unable to transfer, the same happens if i transfer them individually, after about the 2nd or 3rd song it fails. The ' PC>>MD' messege will have dissapeared from the screen, almost as if it had gone to sleep.. If I restart the pc, all is fine for another 2 or so songs.

About 5 minutes ago it failed in the middle of transferring a song and the LCD on the walkman is now stuck with the flashing word 'saving'.

Does anyone have any ideas? Going slightly crazy with this.



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Very important question:

¿Are you trying to download songs from your PC to your NetMd or what you are trying to do is to upload songs from your MD to your PC. FYI uploading via USB is not possible in NetMD Machines. Only Hi-MD line-in/mic recordings can be uploaded and, obviously, using a Hi-MD Machine.

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Try some simple things first.

Change the battery to one you know is new. Or use AC power.

Make sure you are connected directly to the computer rather than through a multiple-USB hub. SonicStage doesn't like to share a connection.

You should install Simple Burner (get it from Downloads) and try placing a CD in your computer and having Simple Burner transfer the songs. If that transfers easily, then the problem is with your other song files.

Check the songs you are trying to transfer. Are they variable bitrate (VBR) mp3s? Are they low-bitrate mp3s, like 48 kbps? Either one can give the MD trouble.

The unit you got is an old model, so there is also a possibility that it has been heavily used and worn out. Do you have any MDs recorded that you can play back on the unit, just to make sure it's working?

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I've tried a new battery, I've also tried Sonic stage on a different pc with the same results. I've also tried simple burner like you suggested and it failed 'A problem occured while transferring content to the device'. Just to clarify, the songs that do manage to be transfered will actually play back in the unit, although sometimes it does seek for a while before playing.

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