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Rec Volume - AGC or Manual ?

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i got a MZ-N10 recorder

i recorded some rock gig in automatic mode because i hate to lose first one or two

minutes of the gig i should spend to set the volume in manual mode.

my records sound good to me, a part from the bass drum that often produces

a bad noise with a quick fade-out/fade-in in the record.

i did read somewhere about Auto Gain Control (speech or music) but i can't find

on my machine that option ... any suggestion ?

so i'm thinking to switch to manual mode, i could set it during the support group

performance (the group playing before the gig i want to rec) but i know i've to

keep 'rec - pause' until the gig starts, or i will lose the manual setting.

i need to know if too much minutes in 'rec - pause' could damage the MD machine

thank you



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No way, the disc doesn't spin in rec-pause and the current consumption will be rather low, so it's nothing to worry about - no damage at all. Once you have set a certain value though, the MD should remember the setting and all you would have to do before eventually starting the recording is to change back to manual levels if you have stopped it previously.

The 'standard' or 'for loud music' setting of the AGC is only available since the introduction of HiMD AFAIK, correct me if i'm wrong though. Manual levels are anytime preferrable anyway. AGC is just there for convenience - for lazy people who don't care about the best possible quality. ;)

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