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help for an MD newbie?

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hi there

i have had a Sony MZ-R700 MD walkman for 3 years now, but it has been sitting in my closet all this time. recently i have been thinking about getting an mp3 player, but then i remembered... a-ha! i have a MD walkman somewhere in the deep recesses of my closet. so i have unearthed the little jewel, and now i am trying to figure out how to record music onto an MD from my Fujitsu PC laptop, which has an optical digital audio-out connector. so if i get an optical mini-plug, hook it up to my MZ-R700, plug that in with an AC adaptor, and hit the "record" button, will music indeed record from my Fujitsu to my MD walkman? like i said, i am a newbie so i know nothing except what i have discovered during the past 2 days of researching on the Internet and reading manuals. do i need software too? or a driver? (by the way, what's a driver?) can i use windows media player or realone to record onto my MZ-R700? please help!!!



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