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KrazyIvan's MZ-R900 (Blue) Pictorial

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The R900 is by far my favorite unit. I like the way it feels in my hand and it's all metal body makes for a sturdy unit. Mind you I do not treat my unit's rough. All of them whether plastic or metal are carefully handled. I use the R900 in live recording situations. Mostly line level recordings but the occasional mic recording is also processed through this little unit. The AA battery attachment (not pictured), although ugly makes a good companion for the R900 when long recording sessions are expected. This was my first high-end unit and I plan on keeping it. Recently I considered selling it when the opportunity to get an NHF800 arose. Luckily I did not have to and I am glad that I did not. This unit will probably stay in my collection until something goes wrong with it.

All images © Copyright 2005 - Ivan Romero

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Well I have an N900, (amongst others ...) albeit a silver one, and for my money it is one of the nicest sounding of the lot!

(Please don't ask my why!!!) ;)

BTW, I am new to the Sennheiser PX100 cans, and they _are_ every bit as good as they are reputed to be, IMHO ...

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The R900 is by far my favorite unit. I like the way it feels in my hand and it's all metal body makes for a sturdy unit. Mind you I do not treat my unit's rough. All of them whether plastic or metal are carefully handled. I use the R900 in live recording situations. Mostly line level recordings but the occasional mic recording is also processed through this little unit. The AA battery attachment (not pictured), although ugly makes a good companion for the R900 when long recording sessions are expected. This was my first high-end unit and I plan on keeping it. Recently I considered selling it when the opportunity to get an NHF800 arose. Luckily I did not have to and I am glad that I did not. This unit will probably stay in my collection until something goes wrong with it.

Glad you decided to keep it. Two different, yet similar units, I can also say that I love my r909 to bits, even if it does have a dent on the corner. It alot more valuble to me, than any money i could get for it. I;ve actually had to do a few 'operations' on mine to fix the odd thingy, as you might remember me posting pics of at 'the other' board. I keep my r909 at home now days though, my hd5 is in the 'hot seat' now ^_^

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