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NH1 beeping

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Tried this in technical tips and nothing happened, maybe more looking on this forum. A couple of days ago I was listeing to a disc in the car when the speakers started beeping, no music. pressed stop then play and nothing. Pulled over and turned the light on and the remote and NH1 said NO DISC, tried a couple of other discs, even a fresh disc, and nothing, just no disc.

It feels like it's spinning up, but nothing. Anyone have something like this, and what did you find??




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Two possibilities:

1) Processor hangs. Remove ALL power sources and wait a few minutes, then put the battery back in.

2) Laser defective. Try the reset procedure, if that doesn't helps, it's off to Sony.

Thanks Jadeclaw, did take the battery out, is thee something else to reset it, can't find reset itfm, but could be looking in yhr wrong place

Hi bobt,

Sorry to hear about your NH1 problems. I have not had this problem with my unit. That sucks though...didn't your first NH1 fall into the OCEAN? Now this...I feel bad for ya.

Fellow NH1 owners, any ideas or advice?

Yeah, really don't feel lucky at this moment, don't need two good lookinh paperweights, oh well, will try Jadeclaes battery out again.

missing my music,


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What happens when you plug in the AC adaptor?

<akes no difference on a/c, and if I try to manual record with mic or line the display says"auFILEerr". and if I try recording off the simpleburner dialogue box it says to insert disc and press download, and the record light doesn't flicker.

May have to pull the lid and see is=f some interlock has come undone.



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